img Withered Leaves. Vol. III.(of III)  /  Chapter 7 IN THE LAND OF THE LOTUS-FLOWERS. | 58.33%
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Reading History


Word Count: 2696    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

lapses occurred, weeks elapsed befor

h was wafted towards them from wood and meadow. The thawing wind had melted the ice o

in the wood, they gathered the la

r greets them, where the wind plays with their delicate coronets of blossom. Free air, fresh air, breath of life, how I have ever longed

feelings, the quiet, familiar intercourse in his sick room had gi

told herself that it could be no sin if she made him happy, so long as it was permitted by the fate which she defied. He did

the knowledge of it, how varying the habits! Giulia was almost alarmed when Blanden told her of the woman at

these magically illuminated worlds of thought conceived by silent thinkers in penitents' garb and hermits' huts. Is the world but the veil, the dream, the existence?--why the

who, upon mossy banks in sacred groves, amongst flowers and gazelles, ponder upon the mystery of the world. She thus forgot that he, far from belonging to inactive dreamers, had o

teach. If the form break, the spirit becomes united with the Divine soul of the world,

d, so truly that she trembled in her very soul when Blanden first recited them to her, verses culled from one of the two great

iness ever tremb

the flowers a mo

ocean may mee

arth, and to mee

yes, which the grand verses of the Ramayana and the s

but before the fatal respite drew near, she performed daily penances, praying and fasting; and like a marble goddess standing before the altar, and when the blood-red god of death appeared, with the thin rope in his hand, and had already extrac

is lighted with sacred fire into which the Hindoo widow casts herself. That pure flame was the fire of your love for

nd which they have confided to the waves of the Ganges; if the lamp extinguish, then extinguishes the light of hope, and a silent desire entrusted to the stream, finds its watery grave. When Blanden told her this,

them not the flowers of Paradise, not the ethereal light, not the glorious song of the Gandharvos, not because they drink the Indian ambrosial amreeta in fox-gloves out of the moon, which, for four

en her defeat upon the stage, were only successful for a time. One day a deputa

song--her name I cannot recollect this moment, as we sons of the muses care less for them than might be expected-

free will," r

ould defend his lady's honour, and even, although we have no lady-loves, at least no perennial

the students denoted their

ur betrothed to appear again upon the stage. We are all now ready to protec

?" asked Blan

surprised at

u know, Herr v

I know of

alomon, however, was soon calmed, and at the same time delighted at his own shrewdness,

your health. But now that the mention of the unpleasant fact has escaped the custody of our lips, you will be able to bear the sad news with manly dign

prang up

s creatures;

nspiracy," a

s then was your penance," sai

ion of the templ

bière di Sevilla' could not be found wh

llini brilliant amends upon her next appearance. The noble clubs of Masuren and Lithuania, the Albertina itself with all its societies; the Hochheimers, Goths, Teutons and Borusses are unanimous, which does not often happen, and even the independent Camels will join the st

the students, wa

," said Blanden, "but the decision up

will offer her consolation and compensatio

loves to darken

verses will

born song s

'd heart shoo

th; our cultivation consists entirely in half unconscious or unguaranteed quotatio

he seniors, whose face, rendered purple by many a cut and thrust, bore artistic marks of k

ture forth once more, we will reply to their second brutal blow

I am very grateful to you, but I

dissatisfied with the meag

ini's laurels, may Frau von Blanden long no more, she will belong to quite another world, and I wish that too violent equinoctial gales should not accompany her to this change in her life, so that she may be able calmly to

legates, while he added, every one of the gentlemen

r having concealed from him the scene in the theatr

German poet says, the god of the happy, but

the opinion of the people turned against her? Do you believe that you are less

that you might excite yourself for my sake. I would not let a

in the world, and yet all wisdom depends upon it, it alone is the gu

replied t

, you would retire from the stage richer by


f you w

y, my parting from the stage will be all the easier; I want nothing more in

which from its very root is full of flowers. I always think of that lovely Sacontala, and the marriage of Gandarvos, by which upon the flowery seat of the hermit's cave she united herself to the king. Then in the Indian legend ensues a time of long, dreary forgetfulness, but upon our

ulia, amid kisses and embraces, "and even the fame whi

n, "I shall soon go to Kulmitten, and

rembled when the ev

n," said she to herself, "

must learn that his popularity in those circles had suffered seriously. Theatrical adventures and duels were something that the citizen mind could not deem compatible with a pioneer of political liberty. While they suddenly discovered a Don Quixote in him, he found himself

spread over his political dreams of the future; should he always remain bound to a life of va

ith his foaming team, but an autumnal sen

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