img The Galleon's Gold  /  CHAPTER III. THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA | 25.00%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1594    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

ully made every preparatio

the boat. She was in apple-pie order, her dyna

and as Hartley and Clifford went

he captain, "she's the neates

ed Clifford. "Mr. Reade, th

s anything I have yet manufactured, I ad

looked i

d yet I cannot dispute you, Mr. Reade. I

rofuse compliment. Then they a

he start, and all hands wer

a could be found even without the im

ine boat, this seem

no better, we can go into the interior of Hond

d the diagram, what was


of us with the Aurelian," ventured Hart

t is so," ag

Reade, Jr.

Veneta before we do," he said. "It is possibl

atter wa

the fortune hun

That night Hartley and Clifford went back

lf. On the afternoon of the second day Hartley picked up a daily paper

sudden w

he gasped; "ju

nger on an item.

urelian, Captain Jed Moore, for the W

ied. Then Hartley raised

rd, that old scoundrel is going to try

as no rig

does h

e the act o

just wh

that the Aurelian would have a day's start of t

certainly had an advantage, for he

il resolutely, "if we run against him in thos

are r

Reade, Jr., will take a


t him know about this at

Can we not be all ready to

reason a

means le

the two excited men to get all

ttle surprised when he heard t

o Honduras to recover the treasure," he s

rd in chorus. "We knew what your

esolutely. "We will make trouble for Mr. Parker. He is entitl

der and ready for the start. A

ng of Readestown. A large crowd wishe

ed the waters of the Gulf, and wa

on the surface. Now, however, Frank decided t

filled the reservoir, and th

d gracefully be

feel a curious thrill as they went below the surface,

brief instan

lever and-presto! the interior o

into the sea depths. Myriads of fish came

and varieties. Some of them were so lar

s were great cowards, and kept

light and sent its rays sh

ottom could

r of the earth?" cried Hartley; "

!" cried Clifford. "Can the litt

nventor kni

for the Dolphin was creaking and groaning somewhat

was which burst upon the

tom of

they were the only human beings w

ew into another

cribe it would be

c in size, cavernous recesses, the lurking place of stran

onderful scene, while the voya

declared Clifford, "it will be difficult enough

d Hartley. "What do yo

ied in is of the same sort as this. While the Gulf of Honduras is undoubtedly rich in marine growth, yet I

d. "We will accept no

miles sailing over the

lination there would have been

of the marine plants would be worse than folly. Powerful as

bmarine boat kep

rtley and Clifford sat in the cabin and di

in's wheel and a sharp lookout ou

n at work in

ood looking out of his window at the curious si

rney in the pilot-ho

eart av yez? Can yez bear to see me

. "Why didn't yo' s

ve only to luk at

, I'sh; wha' yo'

t in liquid form i

some conso

phat's best to warrum t


n' yo'," he said. "I br

lour bin and brought forth fro

el on i


le, the German drinks beer, the Frenchman sips wine, the American bra

article into a small flask; then h

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