the sand, and Clifford
ed. "Success is
oks li
only to dig down to her deck level,
s the
e point at which she is broken off, I sho
ke no time to di
ght no
e go
In a very few moments the blades struck something soli
ford, half insane with glee.
et. To the surprise 32of all the timbers s
a lapse of two centuries. There must be so
be more buoyant and of a different quality from ordinary sea wate
o cut a section of the deck away had it
t the angle of q
en appeared in diving suits
ried a heavy ax and a spade. They paused at
by either party. Then Clifford le
e Parker
their game is? Wi
they think we have di
know that
menacing us! W
eclared Frank, grittily. "We must
e handicapped somewhat more than thei
hem from making a threat
estures. The foremost, Frank
ittle disturbed as to what the
e must be loss of life. This was som
t of destroying these men, tho
eir life lines and terminate th
r of the thing he
dently confident that they could drive
s was not
companions sto
attacked," he declared, "then do not
e Aurelian's men m
e fellow over the helmet wit
out senseless; but
nees. But Barney went to the resc
ade dashed the diver over sense
p. Barney was spo
ivers. But at that moment one of them apparently
ed upward and out of sight. T
lbound. Then they placed their hel
a victory
more than they barga
m that they went!" cried Barney. "Shure I wu
d with pluck," agreed Frank. "But I am
d Parker is a literal bloodhoun
t to!" cried Barney. "Shure, I'm in fer t
. "We must not abandon that
spades and once more
and that it was not long before a large sp
ed hatch wa
quickly pried it open. Some stai
elmet against Clif
only one of us to explore the galleon at a ti
the justice of
t. We will ho
in stairs. He descended qui
the center of the cabin. What followed was
his helmet lit up ev
ich was enacted was enough to freeze th
gasped, and th
ghastly stiffened human bodies, corpses of men who had
in caused the bodies to fly toward him like steel partic
storted shape were the ghas
n, cutthroats and scoundrels of the past two centuri
Was it the action of the water, or the fact that
at and with long, flowing hair an
pushed him aside the coat cru
water from above w
wonderful period of time was due wholly to a certain element in the w
ters of the Honduras Gulf and left their homes in
end. It was a wonderfu
tood sp
and twisted into every possible s
to fall into dissolution. The u
on regained
sed away, and he now bethought himself o
ly the Donna Venet
eeled his nerves and ess
g about him, striking him and b
or of the moment, Frank struck out rig
lf across the cabin floor w
k, he was hurled upon his face,
tarted for the cabin stairs. His one thoug
s from Barney and Cliffo
stairs, but came
His head struck the hat
astounded. Then he es
time and again. But each time it