t of th
ad hap
the opening to the hatchway. They were wai
linding flash of brightest li
y a catapult and whirled awa
nse enough to cling to
f time that they were tossed and h
e more felt the bed of
he sands for so
hem and they recovered themselve
greatly differ from t
expanse of san
ted circle of radiance about th
lacing his helmet against Bar
s me. I'm afther think
here was an
hat wa
ave been th
shook h
y opinion that thim omadhouns av the Aure
d gave
it!" h
own upon us. It's a wonder that it did not kill u
looked hi
at av it sthruc
" declared Clifford, "though I have no do
y gave a w
we are to be here an' leave
ed Clifford. "We must
upon their feet an
he Dolphin or her searchlig
f their helmet lamps Cl
side of that," he said; "the shock o
r!" cried Barne
sandy plain, and they fancied they could s
s not there. Nor was there anything
"I can't say that I like th
they proc
ch grew less familiar and the more strongly im
e surface in very mid-ocean
thing but despair and death hu
the Dolphin and
usting the searchlight, and Hartley was watching the
p!" he cried; "and Frank
" cried the coon. "I'se drefful afeared ob gittin'
Hartley. "Yet we must admit tha
lips when he saw a distant object
he muttered, b
d of the sea, there was a fearful, bl
haos and obliv
it was a bubble, and hurled th
rash and a shock. Then Pomp found himself standing on his head in
fore either recovered
he light of day. Both glanced through the windows
was seen some
as he gained his feet, "wh
s' wha' I was fin
s, they looked about to se
ly uninjured, and floated l
ened to bring the boat to the su
ey tried to think.
at was a torpedo those rascals exp
p. "Den it am berry lucky
rtley. "I wish I had a gun; I
yelled Pomp. "Dey ha
Aurelian. There was a distant boom, and a sh
e as it would be next t
"they mean to sink us! Sen
s' wha' I will do
e swung the tank lever about
ed. A shade of dismay
muttered. "Wha' am de
don't say that, Pomp! What will
fearful r
n inch of taking away the
d murderers!" cried Hartley a
if we was gwine fo' to hab d
any longer to the shots. We m
ght, sah!
he Aurelian's 43gun. Then Pomp applied himself t
arney, yet he knew something of the mech
ce of steel plating in the bulkhead, which had fallen
a matter of no litt
ive work to put the damaged
d been sending down divers as
overed the treasure o
e sort of an encounter, and Pomp and Hartl
working order again, for he knew the importance
eemed to be pulling up anchor
was for a time a myst
ced to glance at the
I see the reason fo
izon great masses of yel
ssy look, and the
their position. Probably they will run for the protection of some cay nea
ed Pomp, shaking his head; "
ght! How is
e fink we can go to the
then went into the pilot-hous
e boat beg
Pomp, flashing the searchl
ng to fear from the hurricane. This
issing men of the crew. What thei
a very few moments she was in the vicinity of the spot fr
cation did not s
ruising aimlessly about for awhile. "Wherebb
denly escaped Hartley's l
nder. What is tha