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Part 2 In The Breton Land Chapter 2

Word Count: 392    |    Released on: 18/11/2017

ready chilly day,Gaud was walking alone across the

ich hadperished in that June gale. But the /Marie/ had hel

and, when they had all gonetogether to see poor little Sylvestre off to the navy. Theyaccompanied him to the co

here were manypeople round the coach to see the other sailors off, and parentsassembled to say good-bye, the pair had not

siness, which, with peasants and fishers alike, seemsto be endless), and owed hi

ver have been so far inPloubazlanec, either, and I shall enjoy the long walk."To speak the truth, she was curiou

departure, Sylvestre hadexplained to he

ne day even, in fun, he said he hadpromised to be wedded to it."Whereupon, she forgave him all his pecu

uld say nothing;she had no intention of being so bold.



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Part 2 In The Breton Land Chapter 4
Part 2 In The Breton Land Chapter 5
Part 2 In The Breton Land Chapter 6
Part 2 In The Breton Land Chapter 7
Part 2 In The Breton Land Chapter 8
Part 2 In The Breton Land Chapter 9
Part 2 In The Breton Land Chapter 10
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