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More than a man

More than a man

Author: MJ. Opera
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Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 1800    |    Released on: 24/11/2021

be more than a man is when the pers

ing and act like a man but it was the only

nd unpredictable, the man offered Penn to be his heir and Penn had no choice but

to remain in her guise as a man to deal with certain issues and caus

or anybody could handle and as if that was not enough. She just had to learn some deep secrets about her family that seeme

was capital lett


she would have liked to think that she was mistaken with her quick judgement of the man but she knew she wasn't. Her father had told her to trust her

hs since she left home and came to the empire capital and yet she was already half starved to death, her bones showing but the goodness with her new appearance is that she had lost some of the baby fat she had on her and that made her look more like a street boy which

n report to the guards she saw, by the time they returned, the girl was already half dead. Penelope heard later on that

e knew

enelope, shoving her aside even though she had done nothing

something to s

after her since she arrived to join his gang of followers and Penelope knew she couldn't keep anybody close, no whe

o middle class girls who were gushing and gossiping, she was just like them. full of hopes and dreams, had opinions which didn't mat

them noticed Penelope lost in th

lady, please spare a coin for a hungry fellow." Penelope

the likes of you..." one of the

." The other said with some sympathy and reached

of the girl hand and hurried away from the fringes of the crowd to the empty stalls where she sat down and continued to eat the

heard one of the

o be an orphan. Come the emperor is giving

eir words. My parents are very much aliv

ror said will be passed mouth to mouth and it would get to her ears soon enough. As she watched the crowd move around her, that was how she saw the symbol from her father amour, when h

r is making a mistake, he shouldn't have just done what he did, there is no

spered as her mind took her

ion of herself asked the man who had

al hero. The ones who suffer behind the scenes." Her father replied with a limp as he sat down besides

t her father who nodded his reply

now the symbol?" The man stopped and a

t?" Penelope bowed her head, holding her breathe and hoping that the

e. And how will I know what you know if

stice no matter the temptation not to, the ones who ar

o is easier to swallow. Let me keep you

ave gone through so many things which you canno

lowing the man started forward like he would li

ght after all. What is you


ay anything again. "What are the things you have gone through that you think I didn't

life and in the end of it all, I am not welcomed home as a hero or given the right to have a golden raven as a show of status because the battles I fight

et me go, I will never app

ccept it, not when it meant that her secret will have a bigger chance of being exposed and then she will die in the way she often had nightmares about. No! The street

he lowered her head in a bow to the man as she darted to the side, she needed to tak

force when the woman has no man to fight or defend her honor. She felt the man watching her, she just hoped that he

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