hat are you going to
t significant smile
th a fine attempt at sarcasm: "Why, I'm going to have Jim break it up for kindling wood. I
as he swung his arm about the almost equally
t in the le
ke some of the boys to give you a lesson or two in driving the
ine-I'm perfectly will
my machine, and I
nsmission, three speeds forward and reverse, long-wheel base, new ignition system, and all sorts of other things mentioned in the c
e garage to the house, following Mrs. Kimball's implicit instructions that the new machin
her had stipulated to him, "and I want it to come to her brand new
in admiring the beautiful machine, climbing in and out of it, testing the levers, turning the st
" she said, with a longi
ster at the window. "If they had only unpacked it a little earlier-it's too bad not to have a run in i
trial spin after dark, I'll simply have to wait until daylight. Jack, you're a dear! I know perfectly well t
-car, she's all right, for all that," and Jack rather awkwardly slipped his arm around his sister's waist
a pause, during which they both had been sile
hey haven't heard about my new a
and tell them,
e had plans for the evening,
day gifts. Don't wait for me if you intend to go over to Walter's. You mi
other girls just as keen on ice cream sodas as those mentioned," a
ck, I always want
ine up from the garage for you, and not even scraping the tires; after me-even kis
e you coming to dinner? And are you going to p
ussing a discussion about the-the
ith a laugh. "Come to dinner, do. But,
manipulated the levers and wheels, she sitting on the seat beside him, on the short ru
he shed door. "I hope nobody steals it t
on for the ignition system, and without which the car could not be run. "Pu
a simple one, although the means of the little family were ample for a mos
was a New England town, not far from the New York boundary. Her husband had been Joseph Kimball, a man of simple
l bring them up rightl
grown, but, in personality, nothing could make either Jac
t the machine to-nigh
fter d
I would feel better to have you give it a test run in daylight. You must get t
an scarcely believe it is all mine-that Jack h
hing for a handsome young lady of seventeen summers, and some incidental winters, to
, sister, "and a girl has just as much right
s have all the rights now. But help yourself! I'm not parti
not to be waiting on the drive for me. A fellow wants to get a loo
, J
What's th
re ho
all that. I'll be on hand at the time and place mentioned. Hoping this will find you well, remain,
" exclaimed
venue toward the Robinson home, she actually seemed to have wings.
simple linen gown. She had need to disre
Bess and Belle-hastened to meet her in response to her ring. "Come on! We must go ov
for breath, and B
l for yourself! Oh, you
street, you know, and he lassoed it. It was going like mad,
pped her voice to one of aggriev
all it the Whirlwind.' You know it's different from Jack's small runabout, and there are several new points
ctly lovely!"
girls hurried over the railroad h
u?" asked Bess. "He might w
ntleman-the story-book kind of machinist, you know. I fancy he will be sufficiently intere
the office of the garage. A notice
rtal, and it swung back. She
ch us how to run an auto," she began. "I kn
e girls
lderly gentleman!" wh
not repre
," a handsome young lad stood before
asant voice, and Cora noticed h
learn some points about my ne
you. Just step this way, please," and, with a little bow, he motioned