img Unrequited Feelings  /  Chapter 5 My Classmate My Neighbor | 55.56%
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Chapter 5 My Classmate My Neighbor

Word Count: 543    |    Released on: 01/06/2022

er ones to the bus station, but unfortunately for me I couldn't find them in heir room my heart beat faster 'are they hiding' I thought to myself, I run to my mum and dad room to inform them that Eth

und my heart beat faster seeing how handsome he look this morning sooner his girlfriend approach him and help him with his shoe 'lover bird' I said to myself and scoff, he raise his head and look at me with a smile my heart skip a beat "Good morn..... Morning" I greeted him and run off not w

him to call me his partner 'he is a player I won't fall for it' " thank you" I reply with a smile, it history class 'gosg I digust history I couldn't understand no matter how much I try' but it different today he enters with two new student " Huh, Derrick?" I said pointing at Derrick "you know him?" Lucas ask "yes he is my neighbor" 'are we really friend now' I inhale and sit upright "Am Derrick by name" Derrick introduc

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