img Unrequited Feelings  /  Chapter 4 New Neighbor | 44.44%
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Chapter 4 New Neighbor

Word Count: 531    |    Released on: 01/06/2022

head and look for Lucas till I see him filtering with girls 'why do u care if he flirt around' I snap out

he flash a smile at me, his smile was delightful and attractive he is six inches tall than I am he has a black hair and a cream color skin with pink lips, I couldn't stop but to think of how perfect God has created this guy before me "am derrick by name" he say with a sexy smile 'i won't fall for it' I said to myself "and what's yours beautiful?" I blush when he call me beautiful no guy has ever call me beautiful "Sophia" I reply trying to hide my red face from him 'wair! Am I already falling for it, impossible' I shake my head invisibly "when am house is right there, we are here" point at the new house 'ohhh I see you are the new neighbor' I said to myself "where are you living", right here" I touch the wall of my house and bit my lower lip 'did I just say that?

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