img Unrequited Feelings  /  Chapter 1 Prophecy | 11.11%
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Unrequited Feelings

Unrequited Feelings

Author: Abigeal
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Chapter 1 Prophecy

Word Count: 548    |    Released on: 01/06/2022

ze he is a blind begger, asking for alms I hate seeing someone in pain, I brought out some change and give it to him "her emotion tangled with her heart" he say prophetically, I turn around again tryi

g at him with curiosity, After am done buying my baby item, I return home and narrate all my experience with the old man at the market but he laugh it out I get annoy and feel like slapping him 'why didn't he like taking things Iike this serious how dumo could he have be' I said to myself and inhale sharply "dear am not joking" I snap him out of his heavy laugh "am for real he really said all that" but then he burst into laughter again 'gosh' I hit my palm with my forehead trying my best not to get frustrated at him I heard him clear his throat and stop laughing "my pregnancy is only t

a younger brother 'Ethan', and her mum sister children which she take in after the death of her sister David who is Ten ye

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