img His Surrogate and the Match Making Twins  /  Chapter 7 I want a mummy | 13.46%
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Chapter 7 I want a mummy

Word Count: 2198    |    Released on: 31/08/2022



s Point

e and the gate opened by itself because it

ilding painted white includ

er spring was right at the center of the mansion. The floor was Germa

he compound and got down

own together with Liam as t

next week Monday, they will be coming over for a meeting for th

he said," Liam, send a message to every sta

m bowed and Logan

in the house stood up

the second living room upstairs w

e met Axel in the sitting room

p as he greeted him bowing and L

t there, he focused on the

s his work, he loves Axel too. He can do anything for his son. When it

ace. He took his father's cute lips with his

a mother since he doesn't believe Lilian is b

people are always afraid of him because of the fa

tapping him on his shoulder. It is only Vi

, welcome back to him," Axel scoffed at h

to his front and asked," Axel,

he main reason why I'm behaving like this," Axel

r them to leave the sitting room for the father and so

said and asked inste

til I saw your face, you a

d at his attitude an

e touch me" Ax

opped halfway and dro

use he is wondering if truly he is seven y

el shook his head and Logan opened his

my mummy, I want my mummy too," he said a

guilty and helpless about the situation, he wished he

rom him every time there are together

but he always rejects Lilian and doesn't hide it from

n is your mum, so I don't understand

ancee isn't my mum and will never

aid. Logan knows that calling Lilian a gold digger i

at. I hate her and I don

w what else to do abou

o do about my mum righ

again and this time around I promise if I don't find


then find my mum and bring her

know I hate you. So I give you just till the

eard him say his mum. The only


oo much to ask for," He said and ran ups

g about the mother and her daughter th

away from him. His face darkened in anger a


r. Rodr

ing about her. I'm giving you just a

and walked out to car




s point

eth's school. Judy came out of the cab

much disgust and hissed within himself

something, Ke

and gave his mum one of his cute

be at the office as early as possible," She

class and in the hallway, sh

ed her and she turned as a

om teacher called with a smi

esn't have the right in her life to still be bearin

school since she doesn't know his d

act as if they love me, nons

e to see you," Mis

m here to drop Ke

nodded and faced ken,"

s. Greenwoo

long since you came to school last and we miss

ack, it would have been better," He rolled his

Kenneth looked to his right and saw t

to finish what I star

they ran away because it

m going to be busy throughout today,"

don't worry about him," Miss Greenwood assured h

Judy nodded and squ

, I will pick you up in the evening, don't f

" he nodded

" She pecked his forehe

" Judy said and miss Greenwoo

r classmates," miss Greenwood said

enwood," he mu

ess Compan

her colleagues walking fast to her office befo

de because her boss caught her tr

rning, Mr... Mr. Rice," S

ow are you doing," he asked stand

hank you, sir," she

good if not you won't come

sn't able to get a cab quickly

that innocent boy as an excuse f


I won't because you are amon

punishment for it, which means I will remo

appeared as it changed to a frow

his, taking out of my sala

your punishment for be

h me for something else but

r that money, especiall

take care of Kenneth as my child," He asked moving closer to

, you are way too older t

in the late sixties but she has never yielded to what he w

oice in removing ou

sn't that what you wanted, Mr. Rice, I will be

rily," you will still do my will,

he shouted at the others wa



s Point

n talking about the recent update

to sell it at 100 million euros

is ok," Logan asked going thr

he city, the city government is very happy

I'm able to be convinced that the company will be g

ll tomorrow to buy the company, call the

sir," L

document are signed because I won'

r," Lia

private jet," he told him calmly and con

ed out without waiting for a repl

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