img His Surrogate and the Match Making Twins  /  Chapter 9 Additional maid | 17.31%
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Chapter 9 Additional maid

Word Count: 1911    |    Released on: 31/08/2022



Point o

ying on something very soft. I moaned out du

hot and I was weak as wel

lying on a big soft bed feeling the comfort, the be

t, Wher


I'm in a strange room. The room looks so dreamy jus

but I don't have any time to focus on my surrou

which the entire room is filled with a sweet fra

Then, the memory suddenly flashed back. Everything that happ


d I ge

here could they

y body becaus

why won't I

at they inj

m forgetting som


ous fear appeared on my face. I n

omeone standing and givin

person. He l

ouse he is standing close to the wall with his ha

m a harsh glare with

f here this moment, you p

he right punishment for taking my son away fro

s he? Who

them back looking at the dir

close to the guy standing as

fear suddenl

id about how his boss is Kenneth's fathe


king just like t

s because I'm

ring it before my eyes widened as the message

e told, I saw a clear resemblance between him and Kenneth because he is Ken's carb

oing to take away

w that because h

finger on his chin and watched me like a m

cess is awake” he finally s

gaze because his gaze is making me

ell-carved chest I wish I could run my hand over it but not in t

o ask him a question bec

iously trying not to feel intimated by his stares

se and stood i

n," he questioned a

w who you are," I answered trying

don't know me,"

idated by his stares. He had this aura around him

ing and he is safe and sou

u to recognize me," He started in a business

you know tha

ake my child away

t to ask questions that will make

re to answer the questions asked because it determines your life," h

which holds a lot of anger, I

and stood at my front looking for a

e I couldn't continue to stare at

hought you would be," he whispered,

you trick

ou actually never w

r told me he is dead, if not I won't le

t is true

s and might fire him since it would look

for joking with me," He said and I glar

know you just breached the contract betwee

shocked," I can't

ause you took my child a

m sorry," I

ou are," h


," he

ped me," I asked and he threw a glare

to pay for what you have done, and defin

orror as I thought

eep me as your mi

r voice down,"

u," he squeezed his face in disgust," I had to do it

having anything to do with him d

my son, or rather your other son, Axel needs his

sponsibilities as your mum for bot

eet my othe

l," I asked feeling

will be an addition to the ma


at," he asked coldly and I stiff

I have a job, my house m, everything I can't just leave them behind jus

at and it will b

n't d

our son," he as

ow he is since I have always been thinking of how he i

ok my head," I can't

going anywhere," he

o run away from here," I said as I

running away, tch," I heard him muttered to

fe's, the men who brought you over here, your family, the doctor tha

the doctor," I stomped m

but without Ken, because I can't let you take

thout him because he

o anything for your oth

u if not because of Axel since he is insisting on meeting his mum, else I won't know I have another ch

o... to see me," I stuttered

y he looked for me. I don't d

g," He asked with

to meet him t

have concluded," H

be brought here for you, the kid's room is opp


m alone doing it fo

d anything ask Liam, your abductor," he pointed at my kidnapp

will need to introduce us," he

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