img His Surrogate and the Match Making Twins  /  Chapter 4 I promise | 7.69%
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Chapter 4 I promise

Word Count: 1789    |    Released on: 31/08/2022


s Point



t to. She has never stepped her foot out of the house. Ju

the house at all, she was

ause he didn't want anyone to know about it a

she needs and proper checkup for t

he day she was confirmed pregnant by the doctor, he wasn't there but h

d about her at all. They don't know how they are

y seized her phone to preven

xceeding the normal time for delivery and she is already in

aced a call to Logan about it and he

wheeled inside the labor room the doctors and

baby has been provided b

excruciating cramps in her lower abdomen. Every part of her body ached, her entire s

nch on her lower abd

ept on crying as she was wh



and was put on a stretcher careful

e said shaking her head

my baby," she said crying

had come in as well and were ge

ne, I promise" the doctor said as he lifted her legs and spread them apart on the

and let out a scream when t

another contraction" a

n do this" the doctor spoke calmly with his hands on


feeling on her pelvic? Could that be th

dy pushed with a

king the better side of her as she cl

ing this agai

burst into more tears, knowing whate

ed" she

s dangerous to stop at this m

e baby needs to come

! Ple

ted again, pushing with th

push and the heavyweight instantly moved to the ent


m at the strange feeling, her s

...Come on..."


, just like a round bulb had been fixed into her, it popped out of her vagina

silence and she couldn't tell if her conditi

ices and her heart skipped a bit when she h

ction but it wasn't as

e, the second one is coming



wins," she tho

the second one without much stress

wins." she heard a distant voice

look at the ba

nce it was just a deal. But she felt the child is also part of the blood. The b

yours anyway," the

at the babies


a boy or a g

business, stay still

ean her up," The doctor told

t is going on but she is so weak it wa


as gotten to the hospita

doctor to come out a

r came out, he we

s it,"

e birth to twins, two boys pr

that was great,"

tten what I wanted"


owned when he noticed the

e doctor told him expecting Logan to lash out at him but he d

ar one is alive and one is enoug

ir" the do

with me right away and you know what to do

the doct

he lady," the

something to do about it

s s

ater," Logan sai


ing. She didn't get to see any of her b

who had died. Yes, the docto

that she would hold her babies before th

hing is ove

her eyes to sleep, then

our drugs," the doctor asked h

eason why I should

yourself, you are just

" she

ll you something im


isn't dead" the

udy sat

n't dead" s

went back to the room where the dead was to send him away to the morgue

see my baby" she rushed her

appened, I just want you to know about it since you are the

ow dangerous it is since I don't h

other but I'm not treate

unish you for playing with him, that is what he would say that you were pla

e one I have

is capable of doing. I have lived in his house for nine months... He would say you are incomp

e at her and th

e brutal and might likely fire me for incompetence and would never listen to any excus

e any excuses. I'm not ready to risk my job because it means a lot

y's face broke i

aren't found, I can lose m

ctor I p

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