distracted and unable to enjoy the sun and surf, so I decided to call it a day. I packed up my towel in
uana or food from a hole-in-the-wall burger joint. Families strolled along in their bathing suits. Teenage girls hung out flirting with mop-topped skater boys. Street musicians sang covers with beat-up guitars. Artists hawked their w
s were homeless, but now I was getting used to it... sort o
ersized t-shirt. I wasn't interested. Any thoughts of lust inspired by the hot
a cool little two-bedroom cottage with a nice porch. The yard wa
ommate's voice calling out
kitchen table drinking an iced coffee concocti
ress, and she seemed to fit right in with the general craziness that was Venice. The first time I met her ā 24 hours before, actually, when
ars and Kerry Washington," she'd sa
aughing, thinki
n't lau
which I guess you need to make it in Hollywo
e whole Venice thing
on the table. "N
tears ā they just
you okay?! Did somebody do something?! Did one of those
s... there was a guy back i
he an a
I did, I kind of feel li
er head. "Nope. Never say that
eally hu
an asshole." She stepped back and fro
ually, I think he
ds like he deserve
y proof, and he
they're bad, they usually are." She looked
ut it's still a l
self. Even if you did do something to break his heart,
country music in
d, not really sure
Done Me Wrong,' about you stealin' his
ed. "I
ng. If you want anything, there's food in the fridge, and ice
nk y
e you want to talk about it, I'd be
a grateful smile, the
ut on the lime trees. After I changed out of my bathing suit and into daisy dukes and a regular t-shirt, I lay
main room, turned on the television, and flipped through the channels
y, so I went and ch
es. Eggplant, spinach, ka
the mood
-bought bottles of 'fres
as that natural stuff, and there was a half-inch of oil on top
eese, no bacon, no meat of any
ondered, then checked th
orse than I'd thoug
ng, but eating rabbit food wasn't going t
ry I'd seen when I Ubered here yesterday. Along the way I stopped
oping he'd be in there, which was totally stupid ā why would he? He wa
uscles like a Greek god's... that gorgeous
myself, which dropped
to come back the next day to try some on. My stomach was growling b
gs, bacon, milk, orange juice, cheese, peanut butter, and re
nd sat outside eating as I watched the sunset. I couldn't exactly see it, what with a
pans. I was trying to figure out what to do with
ead, but I knew it wasn't
s worse t
my pa