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Chapter 3 Finding

Word Count: 3818    |    Released on: 12/06/2023

s. I pressed my prick stoutly forward against her luxurious body, knowing that the entrance to the temple of pleasure which had so entranced me the night before lay in that direction. I found more difficulties than I expected, but at length began to penetrate, although the orifice appeared much tighter than on the previous evening. Excited by the difficulties of entrance, I clasped the lady firmly round the waist and pushed forcibly and steadily forward. I felt the folds give way to the iron stiffness of my prick, and one-half of it was fairly embedded in my extremely tight sheath. I put down my hand to press my prick a little downwards to facilitate the further entrance; you may imagine my astonishment when on so doing I found myself in the lady's bottom-hole, instead of her cunt. This at once explained the difficulty of entrance. I was about to withdraw and place it i

hole, I lay quiet for a few minutes as she had requested; and as her complaints subsided, and I felt a slight reciprocating movement, I, too, mov

rles?" she exclaimed, "d

w I was doing

ttom-hole was never intended for a pe

ose. I thought I was going into the sam

heath round my prick was delicious beyond anything I could conceive, and I think, from the way the lady conducted herself, she liked

bed, went to the basin, and with a spong

and take care not to make a mistake of this kind again, as

ent cambric nightshirt that I was emboldened to ask her to let me see her perfectly naked in all her

your promising youthful charms, but of embracing your de

d curly light hair; then the entrance to the grotto of Venus had such delicious pouting lips, rosy, but with hair still thick on each side, which is often not the case even with women who have a sufficient tuft above, how beautiful where it exists as it did in this charming and perfect woman, continuing in beautiful little curls not only down to but around her lovely pinky and puckered little bottom-hole, the delights of which I had already, in this infancy of my love education, tasted and enjoyed. Her two alabaster thighs, worthily supporting by their large well-rounded fleshy forms, the exquisite perfections of the upper body, I have already described. How beautiful, elegant, and elongated her legs were, rising from well-turned a

natural tendency to rush at once to a completion. I think we must have enjoyed the raptures of that embrace fully half an hour before bringing on the grand finale, in which my active companion showed the extraordinary suppleness of her delicious body by throwing her legs over my back, pushing my bottom forward with her heels, and raising and sinking her bottom in unison with each thrust of my terribly stiff prick, which seemed to swell and become thicker and hard

I experienced such pleasure. You are a perfect ang

attled on and delighted me with her toying, embracing, and gaiety. My prick had once more swelled up, a

ou have already done more than your age warrants, and you must ris

eous form were most graceful and enchanting, and one leg being thrown backwards left her lovely cunt full in view, and actually gaping open before me. Seized with the strongest desire to suck and kiss it, as I had done the night before, I begged that at least she would grant me that last fa

the site of the most exquisite sensation; you see it is rather hard, even now, but you will find as you titill

, and soon found it stiffen and sta

ntly draw my finger and thumb a little back together, and then thrust forward again. It seemed to add immensely to the pleasure I was giving her; her whole body quivered with excessive excitement. My head was pressed so firmly against her cunt that I had difficulty in breathing, but I managed to keep up the action of tongue and fingers until I brought on the exquisite crisis-her buttocks rose, her hand pressed hard on my head and her two powerful and fleshy thighs closed on my cheeks on

have given me." I did so, but took care, in drawing myself up, to engroove my stiff-standing

I must not allow it," but I held her tight round the waist, an

" I shut her mouth with my kisses and tongue, and soon the active movements I was making within her charmin

ve it in a new position, which will give

going to chea

am now as much on fir

her hands and knees, presented to my ardent gaze her magnificent bottom. I tho

ting her hand under her belly, and projecti

will guide it into

een the glorious cheeks of her bottom, sought and found th

as was evinced by the splendid movements of her body; till at last overcome by the grand finale, she sank forward on her belly, and I followed on her back, without losing the position of my throbbing prick within her. We both lay for some time incapable of movement, but the internal squeezing and convulsive pressure of her cunt on my softened, but still enlarged prick, were exquisite beyond imagining. At last she begged me to relieve her. Getting out of bed, she sighed deeply, kissed me tenderly, and said, "My dear Charles, we must not be so extravagant in future, it will destroy us both-come, let me see you to your bed." The sight of my lovely mistress standing naked in all the glory of her beauty and perfection of form began to have its usual effect upon my prick, which showed symptoms of raising his head again;

fell into a deep and sound sleep, until aroused by being rudely shaked up. I opened my eyes

all down at breakfast, and you sti

ible dream, and lay awake so long afterward

e off me, she laid bare my whole private parts, with

doodle has grown," and she laid hold of it. "Why it is as hard as wood, and see how red its head is." Wit

you the first time we can be quite alone and secure from interruption. Just now ther

of our sexes, and my sister was still as ignorant and innocent as ever. So when I said that I had not seen it since it was so ill

or a moment

e curls, and the pouting lips of her tiny slit-all was most promising and charming. I stooped and kissed it, lickin

! What is it you are doing?

opped, a

better, all connected with the great secret I have got to tell you. So run downstairs, and tell them why

t away,

o nice, and has made me feel so queer; do find

o finish my toilet and brin

out my mother, "what

-looking men, and at last taken to high rocks and thrown down. The agony and fright awoke me, screaming,

o was quietly eating her breakfast

id I might have disturbed you, for all at once I remembered I was no lo

eard you, or I should have got

again. These little caresses were frequently repeated, as if she were wishing either to accustom me or herself to a habit of it, so as, doubtless, gradually to increase them to something more definite. I could not help feeling what a different effect these endearments would have had twenty-four hours earlier; but now, momentarily satisfied passions, and the new love that had seized me for Mrs. B., prevented at first the inevitable cockstand that would otherwise have been produced by these approaches of Miss Evelyn.

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