img A Royalty Kneeling For His Queen  /  Chapter 3 2 | 3.45%
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Chapter 3 2

Word Count: 1580    |    Released on: 09/09/2023


. The rabbit, desperate to escape, displayed fear in its

l, offering false hope to the rabbit, as if implying it could escape if it tried

bit paused, studying Nergal, attempting to anticipate his next

Just as it approached the threshold, Nergal rose on all fours, leaping and using his claws and jaws to end the

Nergal had done exceptionally well. He truly took

oyable, isn't it? When ho

r further unde

Potent enough to b

aws. I grinned, extending my hand with my thumb rubbing agains

en sauntered over. I chuckled as

l," I praised, an

tnessed it all, yet his eyes betrayed no emotion. I shru

du?" I inquired, still petting my

e replied. See? If I hadn't aske

died him. "How

brow, signaling him to elaborate. "He can discern who holds

r nuzzled my hand. I playfully tickled

e be able to recognize the EL Ordre's King? W

ather acknowledged Nergal, but I had noticed the tiger's constant sna

y, Your Majesty," m


med drowsy, as usual after finishing a meal. Per

him for entert


ing me. However, his gaze quickly shifted to Nergal at my feet. The tiger lifted its head to regar

iger. They fear ev

" I asked. His exciteme

n idea who the EL

s on strength without using his brain. He's the type to charge into a war armed

the EL Ordre's members are.


't worry, once I have proof, Your Majesty, I'll inf

EL Ordre's King is, but now he's telling me it's only a hunch. It's like

do to confirm

e has a gi


ead. "No. An o

EL Ordre's King dared to love

oss said with a chuckl

nce you've confirmed his identity. I

Your M

d so proud, even though he hadn't done anything yet. He

nate the EL Ordre's former Rooks. I didn't know that Dyke's plan

I have an

ing one of our meetings. "C

ther. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself. I like it when people genuinel

t work, Your Majesty," she s

ct that you will not disappoint me?" She only nodded, but t


it whenever she calls me that. She is my favorite pi


? I haven't seen h

who the enemy's King is. I was really looking forward to

e propped his feet on the table and leaned back in hi

rily stated that if we only held meetings and made plans in the house, we wo

feel strong and powerful. I want everyone to bow down before me. I want them

mutter after half an hour

's wr

in her eyes. "The Knight's informa

n't understand.

Ate Eresh. The EL Ordre has one too, but I'm sure their tracker manages it." She typed some

?" Fuck. She's young, but when it comes

ppened to Kuya Ross, and the

ing. Ross got caught. His plan failed. And

uldn't help but feel irritated with Alter. T

touched. They didn't get anything becau

n this game, Alter," I said col

nd Alter. I paid no attention. I'm so fucking irritated

ewall that is unbreakable so this won't happen again." I w

nce is that something bad has happened to him. Why didn't I pus

s cause of death would be recorded. We would have been able to tra

dre's King is. And I'm sure they

he dead c

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