img A Royalty Kneeling For His Queen  /  Chapter 4 3 | 4.60%
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Chapter 4 3

Word Count: 1585    |    Released on: 09/09/2023


han his actual age. I didn't know the specific illness, and I didn't bother finding out. He resisted going to the h

ed concerned, waiting for me to break down. Should I? Is it expected for a child to c

elt a strange s

him with a tray of food. It was only soup and som


ould take the tray, Enkidu int

y it up to

ant to exert unnecessary effort carrying the tra

er's room. We stopped at his door. I looked at

in his eyes, quickly replaced by understanding that I

hey're wasting their time worrying a

at Enkidu

can't harm me in any way." I took t

the repugnant smell emanating from the old man lying on the be

I could discern the movement behind his lids. He was awake

resembling a skeleton. It was clear he was on the br

't believe the day had come when I'd wi

werless against his

ngth. To forget I was a woman, to stop crying when hu

e still resented me. He was still

our food,

ceiling, blinking several times, before finding

ome here every day just to see him like th

ven thought he might breathe his last with those six wor

y, I forgot to do it," I tsked. "Do y

. I didn't back down; I even smirked at him. Finally, I had my chance

ue to his weakness, it lacked intensity. The look i

. Only

a casual remark. "Geez, father. I've heard tho

saying a word. But fortunately, he was bedridden.

" he said. "You're a selfish b

I'm here, right in front of

nts, and I chuckled when I stopped. I looked at my father, and I could

f him. He glared at me with seething rage, but I re

ul, father?" I sa

houldn't have been born. You're selfish, E

ulness in my eyes had vanished. I looked at my

e, father. All you car

struggling to breathe. "I have a plan to finally win this game!

m with pride. "Of course, I can

, really? Your plans are useless, Ereshki

fected me, but I tried to mask it,

t him with intense rage. The corner of my

w, huh?" I eyed him from head to toe. "You can't even stand up

be the cause if his condition worsened after this. But I didn't ca


the door. But he said something b

King and win this game! That's the only way I can be proud of

he couldn't see my face anymore. He'd know that even now, I sti

k the honor of the Levitsky! Bring ba

had taken from our family. My father was a man of immense pride. So, even now,

emerged victo

didn't shed any tears. I didn't feel any pain or sadness. I w

and his quest for vengeance, but little did I k

s King. They were adept at concealing their identities, to the poin

ntity known and have everyone follow his orde

e EL Ordre's King

stared into those sea-green

face. I'd never seen anyone as striking as him. His s

Von Amstel the fourt

God... He looked so perfect. I could hardly

to simply kill this bea

s. My breath caught when I cares

They're so sof

ips against my thumb. I traced the outline of his lips with my


it. I w

I want to tas

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