img A Royalty Kneeling For His Queen  /  Chapter 5 4 | 5.75%
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Chapter 5 4

Word Count: 1774    |    Released on: 09/09/2023



ful man in front of me. I don't want to take my eyes off him. This is the only tim

right key, it will never open, and I won't know what's inside. His sandy hair would probably look good if my fingers dug into it and messe

e grits his teeth, and I see his jaw clench, which makes me

m. I don't know how the rest of the EL Ordre members made Enkidu go with them. My Bishop

es he have to be the EL Ordre's King that I'm so obsessed with killing? All my life I've been insecure about the enemy's King, and my

s too

his lips even more because of what he did. I catch my breath as I feel something inside me. Fuck... Is this the King of EL Ordre? Everything about him scr

attraction I'm feeling for him. "You know what I'm thin

him. I almost pout in disappointment and try to take my han

with a slight minty scent, and it's enough to make me feel intoxicated. "One look from you and I can clearly tell what you'r

on. I get so turned on that I need to cling onto something to remain standi

me, my t

's tempting me. I don't like this. I like people to kneel and beg before me, b

p again. I see him smirk, and I feel his hands on the sides of my waist. I make a loud

mine. But instead, I feel him kiss my ears and whispe

breath tickles my ears, sending shivers down my spine. If I hadn't

he pain because of what he did. But the pain is giving me pleasure. I get more tur

ase..." I hear him chuckle. "And?" "Fuck me," I breathe.

. I moan and feel so blissful as his soft lips move against mine. Our breath

icipation and dig my fingers into his hair, which I've been wanting to do for a while. His tongue delves inside my mouth like he's mi


se it responsibly and consider your audience. Let me kn

he was looking down on me. His sea-green eyes filled with desire as he stare

om?" he asked alm

ered him. "The on

my legs around his waist and clung onto his shoulders. Our lips met imme

kissing until you were completely undressed in his button-down polo shirt. I stopped kissing him t

his broad shoulders, his muscular chest and his eight-pack abs that are so beautiful to look at.

sure that it was because of the desire that he has for me. I can s

sit on the bed. i sat on his lap and gave h

both of them making me whimper in pain and in pleasure. so my hands also went down on his body unti

. He sounds

eft his as I unbuttoned his pants. I took it down with no difficul

iss. he sucked and bit my lower lip, so hard that I could taste the blood. Bu

m even though his boxer shorts were still blocking it. Loki stopped kissing me. H

length that was already peeking through the waistband of his boxer s

ick. The tip was already wet with pre-cum. and I almost moaned when I finally held it with

s went up to him. There was the look in his ey

an, Your Majesty." I said and my head w

t to give space for my body. while he was sitting on the e

ve it a few pumps before I dipped my head and licked the moisture off t

m with my saliva. My heart beats faster when I

inally, I took hi

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