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Chapter 3 Waning Patience

Word Count: 1284    |    Released on: 14/11/2023

gave her a quick smile b

he university, a huge white building that resembled a Greek temple, it consisted of a total of ten floors and a dome-like structure at the top which housed the professors' offices and meeting

ya frowned upon entering, she noticed two things; first, the hall wasn't packed with students, which wasn't strange at

everyone judgy looks as they shuffled through the hallway in search of seats, but tod

Jason muttered, almost as if

ofessor was never late for any of her classe

d if she takes one look at my face,

e ended up choosing the middle row and crossed her fing

d she leaned her head onto his shou

." She pointed out and Ja

o indirectly flip t

ight, the green tea had worked like magic. She could barely feel the poundi

er lids when a breath

s seat

side and she did the same, eyeing t

blue eyes. He was wearing faded blue jeans paired with a black t-shirt that looked two sizes too small, a black backpack han

red seductively and she turned

ly?' She

k and she rolled her eyes and pla

aptop from his backpack and placed it on his lap. He looked over at her again a

ther, her eyes darting to the f

t, which meant the

on had found a way to distract himself, his attention completely focused on

e down." She said loudly, gaining the at

asked brows furrowing in what

ing the boy an incredulous look. He didn't even know t

ts the

in her direction. "Our Professor is Docto

aptop from the boy's grasp, her eyes widening in sh

heard Jason mutter

you?" The boy asked curiously and she

hing Davis sent to them last year and completely ignored it. It seemed

here's really nothing to it. Just a brief description o

ead aloud, "Doctor Alexander Grey, department of psychology, has a Ph.D. in clinical

to have pursued courses th

y and was recently offered a spot in UMass Amherst," Jason's eyes grew bigger and she t

meone that young." Maya pointed out

ough…" Jason said as he handed

at?" Blue-

umpy bachelor for the

chuckled and she e

am I right?" He said, a sm

I hope he's an eye candy, I'd hat

year too?" Maya butted in, disr

e could tell it wasn't genuine

d and his lips pu

k. Derek

ame, it sounded familiar but she c

iced her hesitation, "You were never the

red him an apologetic look, "I'm May


ng either. So she took out her phone and began to scroll through her social media accounts, looking for s

hall while the others who stayed behind, were talking amongst themselves, some had plugged in their earphones and were bobbing



Chapter 1 The Encounter Chapter 2 Hangover and Classes Chapter 3 Waning Patience Chapter 4 Alexander Grey Chapter 5 Worried Parents Chapter 6 Secret Stalker Chapter 7 At the Supermarket
Chapter 8 On Monday
Chapter 9 Shared Gazes
Chapter 10 A tedious assignment
Chapter 11 To Unwind
Chapter 12 Predator and Prey
Chapter 13 Her Hero
Chapter 14 Nothing at all
Chapter 15 Derek And His Muse
Chapter 16 Look at me
Chapter 17 Mortification
Chapter 18 Regret
Chapter 19 The Uninvited Guest
Chapter 20 The Game
Chapter 21 The Confrontation
Chapter 22 The Apology
Chapter 23 The Convention
Chapter 24 Dark and Dangerous
Chapter 25 Three Rules
Chapter 26 Freezing Skin and
Chapter 27 His Bedroom
Chapter 28 Definitely Not
Chapter 29 Secret Rendezvous
Chapter 30 A Saint
Chapter 31 Dinner Date
Chapter 32 Help You
Chapter 33 Punishment
Chapter 34 Lo Siento
Chapter 35 Foxy
Chapter 36 Reconciliation
Chapter 37 Texting
Chapter 38 Burger Problems
Chapter 39 A Long Ride
Chapter 40 Partner
Chapter 41 I Promise
Chapter 42 Office Rendezvous
Chapter 43 Blue eyes
Chapter 44 The Date
Chapter 45 Stood up
Chapter 46 The Surprise Visit
Chapter 47 Goodbye
Chapter 48 A Surprise
Chapter 49 Disappointed
Chapter 50 Dangerous Smile
Chapter 51 Help Me
Chapter 52 Cold Shower
Chapter 53 Please
Chapter 54 Screwed
Chapter 55 Wrong Choices
Chapter 56 His Secrets
Chapter 57 The Beauty and The Jealous
Chapter 58 Come In
Chapter 59 Second Chances
Chapter 60 His Home
Chapter 61 His Family
Chapter 62 I Know
Chapter 63 Love
Chapter 64 Aroused
Chapter 65 Hallway Rendezvous
Chapter 66 Temporal
Chapter 67 Complications
Chapter 68 The Limo
Chapter 69 The Birthday Party
Chapter 70 Who You Are
Chapter 71 Different
Chapter 72 Birthday Planning and Surprises
Chapter 73 Pick
Chapter 74 Birthday Surprises and Kisses
Chapter 75 Take My Hand
Chapter 76 The Amusement Park
Chapter 77 Smart
Chapter 78 Brutal Realization
Chapter 79 Swim
Chapter 80 The End
Chapter 81 All Of You
Chapter 82 Exposed
Chapter 83 A Surprise Visit
Chapter 84 The Apology
Chapter 85 The Rude Waiter
Chapter 86 Reunion
Chapter 87 Fools In Love
Chapter 88 Epilogue
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