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Chapter 6 Secret Stalker

Word Count: 911    |    Released on: 14/11/2023

onnected before she could say another word. Maya placed her phone back o

exactly sleepy either. So she simply changed into pajamas and crawled onto the bed, grabbing her

hen she found it, she scooted closer to the edge of the bed and began to work on editing the videos Aft

and with Gab being her personal manager and all, i

m her mom, her dad, and Gabrielle. She soon realized that nobody wanted health advice from an eleven-year-old child, and that was when she developed

hem. Soon, she'd found herself working in front of cameras, making cameos for various youtube channels and blogs and she was slowly starting to

her family They kept pushing her to continue es

r and her mother would watch her YouTube vid

n her back and stared at the ceiling, her mind unconsciously drifting to a certain dark-haired man. She couldn'

s practically 'sex-on-legs' and she honestly wondered why he would confine himself to te


her rational self could kick in and logged into Facebook. It took forever to load and she began to wonder

ike, she knew everything about the professors of the courses she was offering, down to their irks and likes, even their

leave him alone and pretend it never happened. She sighed deeply and stared at the wall as her hand tapped anxio

through them, finding nothing about the professor. After searching for a few minutes

lar, stood out. There was no picture on it, just a colorful logo o

ted her face. So he did have a Facebook page. Maya spent the next hours scrolling through his feed and even checking his

doubt that he

to fall asleep yet. Not when she hadn't found anything on the professor, at least something new or

on fell fast asleep. She dreamed of fire, bla



Chapter 1 The Encounter Chapter 2 Hangover and Classes Chapter 3 Waning Patience Chapter 4 Alexander Grey Chapter 5 Worried Parents Chapter 6 Secret Stalker Chapter 7 At the Supermarket
Chapter 8 On Monday
Chapter 9 Shared Gazes
Chapter 10 A tedious assignment
Chapter 11 To Unwind
Chapter 12 Predator and Prey
Chapter 13 Her Hero
Chapter 14 Nothing at all
Chapter 15 Derek And His Muse
Chapter 16 Look at me
Chapter 17 Mortification
Chapter 18 Regret
Chapter 19 The Uninvited Guest
Chapter 20 The Game
Chapter 21 The Confrontation
Chapter 22 The Apology
Chapter 23 The Convention
Chapter 24 Dark and Dangerous
Chapter 25 Three Rules
Chapter 26 Freezing Skin and
Chapter 27 His Bedroom
Chapter 28 Definitely Not
Chapter 29 Secret Rendezvous
Chapter 30 A Saint
Chapter 31 Dinner Date
Chapter 32 Help You
Chapter 33 Punishment
Chapter 34 Lo Siento
Chapter 35 Foxy
Chapter 36 Reconciliation
Chapter 37 Texting
Chapter 38 Burger Problems
Chapter 39 A Long Ride
Chapter 40 Partner
Chapter 41 I Promise
Chapter 42 Office Rendezvous
Chapter 43 Blue eyes
Chapter 44 The Date
Chapter 45 Stood up
Chapter 46 The Surprise Visit
Chapter 47 Goodbye
Chapter 48 A Surprise
Chapter 49 Disappointed
Chapter 50 Dangerous Smile
Chapter 51 Help Me
Chapter 52 Cold Shower
Chapter 53 Please
Chapter 54 Screwed
Chapter 55 Wrong Choices
Chapter 56 His Secrets
Chapter 57 The Beauty and The Jealous
Chapter 58 Come In
Chapter 59 Second Chances
Chapter 60 His Home
Chapter 61 His Family
Chapter 62 I Know
Chapter 63 Love
Chapter 64 Aroused
Chapter 65 Hallway Rendezvous
Chapter 66 Temporal
Chapter 67 Complications
Chapter 68 The Limo
Chapter 69 The Birthday Party
Chapter 70 Who You Are
Chapter 71 Different
Chapter 72 Birthday Planning and Surprises
Chapter 73 Pick
Chapter 74 Birthday Surprises and Kisses
Chapter 75 Take My Hand
Chapter 76 The Amusement Park
Chapter 77 Smart
Chapter 78 Brutal Realization
Chapter 79 Swim
Chapter 80 The End
Chapter 81 All Of You
Chapter 82 Exposed
Chapter 83 A Surprise Visit
Chapter 84 The Apology
Chapter 85 The Rude Waiter
Chapter 86 Reunion
Chapter 87 Fools In Love
Chapter 88 Epilogue
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