to Nono that he meant to start as soon as possible for America. Nono was the recipient of the secrets of all the children. They always
rn his own living; which would probably be quite as useful to the family. So to America he had resolved to go, always understanding that he had gained his parents' permission. That permission was not har
took to the new country. Erik had another treasure, not outside of him, but in his inmost heart-a resolve to lead in a foreign land just such a life as he should no
a nice room to himself in the "place" he had obtained. He did not say that the room was in the stable where he was hostler, or that it was just six feet by eight when lawfully measured. He also mentioned that he had food fit for a count; which was true in a way, as he was daily regaled with fruit and vegetables that would have been esteemed in Sweden luxuries sufficient for the table of any nobleman. He dressed like a count too, he said; on which point Erik's testimony was not to be accepted, as he had had little to do with counts in his native land. The big boy did not mean to exaggerate. He was simply and honestly deli
d had there been instructed in their proper rendering into everyday Swedish. So a kind o
thought he too might have a guest-room that might receive one member from the full golden house. So Oke came to live at the pastor's, who said he did not see as well as he once did, and he must have a boy trained to read aloud to him, and to write a bit, too, for him now and then. It was stipulated that Oke's duties were not to be all of the literary sort. The pastor was convinced that Oke had a good
petual monitor for the rest, with restricted powers of discipline. Oke's rule had been mild but firm. He had taken no notice of small matt
stand that he would "catch it" when they got to be the oldest at home. They had no particular offences to complain of or anticipate on Nono's side, but they enjoyed giving out awful threats of what they would do if ever they h
ded "Philistine" under whose dominion he had now come? He was resolved on one thing-Karin should hear no complain