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Reading History

Chapter 2 KARIN'S FLOCK.

Word Count: 715    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

the six fair-haired children were bent down over the new treasure like a cluster of rough-hewn angels in the Bethlehem scene, as carved ou

little baby now?" sa

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t boy, who liked to take the lead in the family. "I heard t

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him better than any one around him suspected. The tiny Italian was really the ninth baby that had come to the golden house. Karin had now

with a thin, straight nose, quite out of keeping with the large, strongly-marked features of the rest of the children. As for "the twins," it was difficult to think of them as two boys. They were so much alike that their mother could hardly tell them apart. Indeed, she had a vague idea that she might have changed them without knowing it many times since they were baptized. How could she be sure that the one she called Adam was not Enos, and Enos the true Adam? Of two things she was certain-that she loved them both as well as a mother ever loved a pair of twins, and that they were worthy

had lately seemed very near to her, since baby Gustaf had gone to live among them. That all would go right with Nono she did not doubt. When she laid him down for the night, she clasped his tin

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