r of his brown face, and had given his hands rough gloves of a still darker hue. Of course he had at first been sternly reprimanded, for Karin suffered no s
t. Again they had detected him brushing himself behind the bushes, and dolorously looking at the obstinate stains upon his cotton clothes. With a wild hollo they seized the culpri
nd that soundly," she said emphatically to Jan. "This is the third time he has co
lem and instrument of punishment, much dreaded among the children; and with reason, for Jan had a strong hand and a sure one. He had been accustomed to
f punishment quite private with the boys, the grove behind the house being the usual place of execution. He could not, however, refuse Nono's modest request. Off to the shore they went together, the twins meanwhile shrugg
en in disgrace for their wild pranks, but the idea of Nono's being whipped seemed to have made them uncommonly sober. Sven went into the cottage to look among his treasures for something with which to console Nono on his return from
hand, both apparently in a most cheerful humour. There were no tears
Jan; "and I have forgiven him, and I thin
l your kindness to me. Please, please forgive me!" Nono put his arm round Karin as he spoke. She looked d
asures, was rather disappointed that he had lost the
mother and hurried into the cottage, with the exclamation, "Here's Decima up till this time! One never knows when to p
ot quite satisfied with the t
t is a shame!" murmured the twi
's permission, they said, their faces beaming with satisfaction. Karin was hardly in order when Jan appeared and advised her to put on a white apron, which she wonderingly consented to do
them that their father approved of the whole thing, and the proud and yet tender w
he shore Karin was ceremoniously seat
the note and the bright flowers from Karin's astonished eyes; but there was a sudden sunshine of joy and wonder as Nono proceeded to take down the evergreen branches that were leaned against the bank opposite to her. There, a deep arch had been scooped into the hillside. In its sweet retirement there was a tiny house of yellow pine, perfectly modelled after the family home, the doo
Nono's mind had taken form. Bear, and Italians, and Swedes, and the very baby Francesca
r a moment, Jan intimated, as he had been
. He had found some nice clay by the shore, which would stay in any form he put it, and he had tried to make the group he had thought so much about to show how thankful he was to have a place in such a home. He had not meant to be careless, but when he got at his work he forgot everythin
heir mother's name-day. It had never even struck them that she had one, as her name as they knew it was not to be found in the almanac. As for themselves, each could remember some simple treat that had been
he almanac, they had a luxury used only once a year which fixed their time to be honoured-a second name that stood in the calendar. So Dec
cima had been from the very beginning the one girl among
the party by saying it was time for them all to go in and get on their e
it. For his part, he had made up his mind that he had taken too little pains to give Karin ple
not going to trouble a boy who could make such wonderful things, and show how grateful he was to their own mother, who
ght, Karin thanked him again for t
said it told in the book that the men who made beautiful things did not always have beautiful lives-good lives it meant, Oke said. I want to have a beautiful life, Mamma Karin, and I thought it might be best not to try to make figures at all, as I am alway
m, and in her heart the purpose was strengthened to try more herself to lead "a