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Reading History

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 2189    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

g the

he had overheard Mr. Berg saying, the aged invent

n start on our voyage for the South American Coast and search for the sunken treasure. When we begin our voyage under water I defy any on

my eyes open for him and

rp was kept busy making inquiries about the sunken treasure ship. These inquiries had to be made carefully, as the adventurers

to go with us?" asked Mr. Swift of the balloonist on

l over the world. He has also taken part in more than one revolution, and, in fact, is a soldier of fortune. I do not know him person

on of the wreck itself. Have you b

m in latitude forty-five degrees south, and longitude twenty-seven east from Washington. That's a pretty indefinite location, but I hope, once we get off the Uruguay coast, we can better it.

ton know our obje

arp. "I don't know just how he'll consider a submarine trip after treasure, but i

eeded for the submarine, and they had been left in the house at Shopton, where Eradicate Samp

marked Tom. "We'll take the airship, dad, and make a t

u'll find in the lower right hand drawer of

ntion wherever they went. They soon had the Red Cloud in readiness for a flight, and rising in the air above the shop that containe

bird of the air was kept. It was early evening when they got to

and put them in the airship ready for the start back the next morning, Tom concluded he would take a stroll into Shopton, to see if he cou

since the episode of the bank robbery, when he had so unexpectedly ret

ked in vain for his chum among the throng on the stree

tartled by the sound of an automobile horn loud

f the way if you don't

e wheel was the red-haired bully, Andy Foger, and

added Sam, and he grin

e of muddy water. There was no necessity for Andy steering into it, but he saw his opportunity, and a moment later one of

aybe you'll get out of my

anger. He wiped the mud from his face, glanced down at

o see you!" for he thought of the ti

shouted Pe

later," a

then sail away in your submarine,"

, he tried to sop up some of the muddy water with his handkerchief. Whil

ter? Fall down?

ger," re

nly his father is a director in the bank where I work, and I'd be fired if I did. Can't afford any such pleasure. But some day I'll give Andy a good trounci

venge against Andy and his cronies. He had half a notion to go to Andy's house and tell Mr. Foger how nearly serious the bully's prank

. Damon to be sure to come to the coast if he again called at the Shopton hous

. Then, with the propellers moving at moderate speed, the

y were traveling, Mr. Sharp descended several hundred feet. They were moving over a sparsely s

lescope and peering over the window ledge of the cabi

Bailey!" he cried. "Oh, I wish I had

get even with them tha

sked Tom

played on a fellow who did me an injury. Here, you steer for

chor of four prongs. It was carried to be used in emergencies, but so far had never

the rope. I'll steer the airship, and what I want you to do is to cat

reach the earth from the height at which they were. The engine was run at slow speed, so that the noise would not attract the attention of the three cron

ndy's car. Suddenly it caught on the tonn

t the cleat," dire

into the container. At the same time he reversed the engine and the Red Cloud began

ater Andy, looking up, saw the airship hovering in the air above him. Then he saw the rope fast to his auto. The airship was not rising now,

ied Andy. "I'll have you arr

down. He could enjoy the bully's discomfiture. As for Sam and Pete, t

the tank again and splash

gher from the ground, as Mr. Sharp turned on a l

ful sorry for what I did! I'll never do it again! Pl

ow, and was frantically cli

a sneak and a coward?" a

Oh, please

asked Tom

ford to lose the rope and anchor for the

gle blow. With a crash that could be heard up in the air where the Red Cloud hove

ing the collapsed rubber of the rear wheels. The tables had been effectually turned on Andy Foger. His auto was

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