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Reading History

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 1219    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

reasure E

e to time that his remarks about the real destination of the Advance had been overheard by Mr. Berg,

ere shot when you saw that man and the lad. There didn't appear to be any cause for such a hurry. From w

a peculiar smile; "but, unless I'm very

What do y

if you don't mind, walk a little faster, pleas


g that I wish to communicate to

don't see what it coul

went on the submarine agent.

they arrived at the city before Mr. Damon and Tom got there, as the latter had to

ft," he reported to Mr. Bentley, who

is not wanting to try for the Government prize. It is astonishing. You said


t is

o try for the fifty thousand dollar prize is that th

offer such a prize as that for submarines, when they are getting almost as commo

I think we ought to have


that the Swifts are going after sunken treasure


related what he had overheard Tom tell Mr. Damon. Mr. Bentley was much exci

hia at once, Mr. Berg, and we'll talk this matter over. There is no time to lose. We can afford to forego the Government prize for the chance of

that you won't be so high and mighty with me after this, Tom Swift. We'll see who has the best boat, after

at Mr. Berg was much

l. They started back, but Tom took a street leading toward the center of th

u going?" ask

back here," replied the lad, and he told of

go in the submarine alone, watched his chance and sneaked in after me. But I'd like to get a complete explanation, and if I once got hold of Andy I could make him talk," and Tom clenched his fist in a manner that augured no good for the squ

ever, and Tom, after inquiring from the clerk and learning that

o the lonely beach where the submarine was awaiting her advent into the wa

ience for all of us. There's only one thing worrying me,

. Can't we slip away and le

tell dad and Mr. Shar

ated, but he agreed with Mr. Damon, whom he heartily welcomed,

ain Alden Weston, and then we will go. Even if Bentley & Eagert make a try for the treasure we'll have the start of them, and this w

re going to the machine shop, Mr. Sharp

orrow. He will arrive at the Beach Hotel in Atlantis, and wants one of

worm any of our secret from Captain Weston," and it was with a feeling of uneasiness tha

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