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Reading History

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2039    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

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early breakfast and the sea air, came to him with a rush, and he had a second morning meal wit

laid eyes on him. But he evidently misjudged me, if I may be permitted that term. Oh, well, we may meet

it?" inquired t

ding his face behind a large cup

p. He looked carefully about the hotel dining-room. There were

to follow, to keep your charts locked up. If it's all the same to you," he added diffidently, "I'd rather wait until we get to where you

t through him, though he was the one to get on the trail of it by seeing the article in the paper. Now he had near

I'll tell you all I know. Sufficient now, to say that I believe I have located the wreck within a few miles. I got on the track of a sailor who had met

ast moment, that they were going in a submarine, for fear the old seaman (for he was old in point of service though not i

ubmarine? Does it go by comp

ine?" asked the young inventor

him. He told me about the submarine his firm was building, and, naturally, he mentioned yours


it, if you don't mi

ou wouldn't like

, the

of going in

r so many years spent on top. Once or twice I came near going under, whether I wanted to or not, in wrecks, but I think I prefer your way. Now, if you're all done, and don

t have. The captain, in his diffident manner, made friends at once with the treasure-hunters, and he and Mr. Damon struck up quite an a

ested Mr. Swift and the sailor assenting, the aged inventor, with much pride, assisted by Tom, pointed out on the Advance

when he had completed the inspection "Well, I hop

the ways, leading from the shop to the creek, were well greased, and all was in readiness for the launching. The tide would soon be at flood, and then the boat would slide down the timbers (at least, that was the hope of all), and would float in the element meant to receive her

he took an observation through the telescope. "No hostile ships hanging in the offing," he reported. "Al

he Advance down into the water by means of strong cables and windlasses, as the creek was so narrow that t

reported the

e captain a moment later,

ip slid along the greased ways. Slowly she approached the water. How anxiously they all watched her! Nearer and nearer her blunt nose, with t

ides. It was the first contact of t

ope faster!" c

the stern left the ways and the submarine was afloat. Now would come the test. Would she ride on an

g to stand on his head. "She floats! She

proportioned just right, and her lines were perfect. She rode as majestically as

directed Mr. Sharp. "The tide will turn i

on the submarine was tied to a small do

who was almost trembling with eagerness; for

servation," he went on, and he swept the horizon with his telescope. "Al

amos and the big gasolene engine that was the vital part of the craft. A little water was admitted to the tanks for ballast, since the food and other supplies were not ye

entor, "and we'll try my new system of po

eneath the feet of Tom and his father. Captain Wes

gh the speaking tube to Mr. Sharp

y," came

her grasped the steering wheel. The Advance shot f

She goes!

ed to say so," was the calm contribution

oward the open sea, but stopped just before passing out of t

ere found to work satisfactorily, sending the submarine up and down the creek at a fast rate, the screws, such as are used

as he once more headed the boat to sea. "I thi

y s

lose the conning tower door. Perhaps you will come in here w

to see how it feels to be i

the tube to the engine-room that a more severe test of the ship was about to

, Tom?" asked his fa

ipation of being about to sink below the surface was t

and admit the water

dvance began sinking. She was about to dive beneath the surface of the ocean, and tho

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