img Domitia  /  Chapter 6 “I DO NOT KNOW.” | 14.29%
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Chapter 6 “I DO NOT KNOW.”

Word Count: 2158    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

er yet the air was not cold. The mountains of Greece lay

urned in the direction of the prow; the torches splutte

Duilia had issued instructions that they were not to be noisy i

ad background to the play of voices on the lower deck, where, sheltered from the wind, t

This was noticeable as being in appearance and manner,-noticeable even to the slaves, not the most observant in matters that did no

ed a gloomy expression. The change, in fact, was much like that in a landscape when a sunny May day makes place for one that

it into a sweetness of patient endurance that inspires pity and love. But

with solemn stalk, walkin


nd exhort. And this man at intervals approached the widow, who on such occasions assu

mptuously, and endeavored by shrugs and sniffs to let the bys

e of moderation in grief as in joy, on the beauty of self-control so as to suffer the storms of life to roll over the head

lds of his toga, and withdrew, to be at onc

difference, turned to her mother

what the slave becomes after many bastinadoes, as callous in soul as he is

put it all

e bear them without crying out? After all,

alk philosophy, and good families keep their tame stoics,-even quite new and vulga

what is this

. It is, I am sure something very suitable to

hich he contends, a singer at the games sees the crown he hopes to ea

ly do n

thout a clue. And the Highest Good preached by philosophy [pg 46]is to sit down in the darkness and despair of the light. I want to know. Has my

, how Senecio has assured yo


page of

ble all the scurrility they can against the great and noble, in the hope of thereby advancing the credit of their

scold him, to ease my overwrought nerves. The fellow has been stopping up his wrinkles with a com

er, I want

o know nothing. Cats, dogs, donkeys, don't worry themselves to know-and are happy. They have, then, the Summum Bonum. If you want to know more, ask

the watch, [pg 47]hastened to learn her de

he deck with his chin i

ng head with questions. Pray answer her satisfactorily.

d withdrawn, the

difficulties, and I shall

lain questions," said Dom

of the sentence, it is the closing of the dipt

t death is-but t

ncountered with stoic equanimit

r unwilling to answer a plain question. My dear father, does he live sti

n the snowy plains of Germany, on the arid waste

Does he still exist, can he still think of, care fo


48]run the risk of entertaining. And our own Immortal Cicero declared that the hope of the soul living

. He fell on his own sword. Is there a soul? And

philosophy teac

the cumbrous assistance of philoso


vail is it to l

page of

girl or the mechanic? Of what avail is a good li

al of the c

is good? Where is it written th


as to approach. He came up with a sneer at

have learning in the East which we have not in the West. Tell

ction. This ray is projected into space and enters into and is entangled in matte

nd what af

urns to the source, to the pleroma or fulness of being and light

o the sea, the waters are mingled a

h the spiri

glory-and my father's ray is also sucked in and disappears! There is no comfort in a thought where

itated and be

which the minds of the great th

s, whose muddy bottoms ferment and generate and throw up guesswork bubbles. One bubble

omitia looked after him and noticed the physici

beard in which some strands of gray appeared. A modest man

iking to him, though she had not spoken to him. A

are all quac

t of themselves, and that conjecture. From the depths of the inte

oat across the Tigris and Euphrates-on rafts supporte

bladders-God lay


know, the basis of hope, the foundation of morality, that cannot

we must drift on wi

e, and made it necessary for his welfare that he should know to discern between good and evil,

re is th

uld send her forth into unknown seas to certain wreckage-to be wafted up and down by every wind-to be carried along by every current-

t where are

t of the vessel, came hastily aft, and disregarding the physician, heedless o



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