img Domitia  /  Chapter 7 THE FACE OF THE DEAD. | 16.67%
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Word Count: 2308    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


in the one thought that before her, on the sea, flo

I must

but at the same tim

h danger," he said. "What know you

she answered, "sho

together t

h the sea heaved after the recent storm, like the bosom of a sleeping gir

ate, the rowers, who had rested during the day, were summone

of the voyage in calm weather would be less dangerous than this, which mig

, an experienced navigator was necessary, and caution had to be exercised both in the management of the sail and in the manipulation of the helm. Bu

due west; if there be a slight deviation from the right cours

's injunction as

etter man can be found to replace him than Eboracus, who has been ac

short cross-pieces let into them, like the handles of a scythe, and the clumsy and heavy mec

say, [pg 54]passed horizontal cords round her to brace the spars together so as to facilitate resistance to the strain when laboring against th

and beside him sat the mate, the second mate, and often also the c

who sat about him as the mates occupying the stern bench. As already said, in a Roman vessel, there was a lack of that unity

he rowers rested or caroused, and when they in t

the sky above where he set with a rainbow

s looked out above and around, and f

ght and left had none of the flash and luminosity

reek isles and mountain r

l sped for[pg 55]ward at a speed equa

ourners on the quarter-deck

a large vessel ahead, of three banks of oars, but she floated immovable on the

m. To the cordage lights had been suspended, and braziers burning on the quarter-deck, fed with

e were faintly audible; and then, after a lull, en

a tone of smothered rage and mortification.

rowers urge on the v

g the song of the princely performer. By the Gods! the grinding of the oars in t

en him on the

t Rome for Syria. To think of it, that he-the head of the magis[pg 56]tracy, of the army, of the senate, of the priesthood, should figure

we speed along we shall overta

stop my ears with wax, though, by

over the side

y sharp,

t sharp,


as la


ng as

. You loved my father. You regard me. You will

ld you ha

m h

arted, and look

is arm, and gripped it

accursed murderer and mountebank

sped for

d up into

it be

we could rip

n do

od und

round and ram and welt her; and send the new Orion with his fiddle to the fishes. By the Furies! We shall hear him scream. We shall see him beat th

all our

ather, your friend

a stood in

r neck, and will kiss you with my red lips, t

f Vengeance-th

an count on,"

f any one on board suspect

salute. None will think other than that we are befooling ourselves like the rest. At the right moment, before any has a thoug

inguished the funeral torches, and threw the ashes from the tripod into th

aft, and in a rest

before us. We dare not pass wi

aid the second mate

ck, then let them slacken. When I call Dou

will carry down

he ladder and desc

acus, one sailor and the physician, who was leaning over the bulwark

the vessel, and had been unobserved in the darkn

man started as

n the attitude or manner of the physician to show that he entertained alarm. Lam

eople came in that direction, and

idly communicate

oars and the hiss of the foam, as it rushed by like milk, and fr

ounds of revelry became audible. Nothing [pg 59]showed th

the Imperial vessel, and that the prince and his attend

quarter-deck, and sang or else delivered a recitation f

uneasiness. The Emperor's vessel had been accompanied by a convoy, but the ships had been di

declaim the speech of the attendant in the Electra descriptive of the conquests of Orestes-applyi

nd having started from his goal in wondrous whirls he sped along the course, and bore away the of all coveted prize of victory. But that I may t

ho suddenly beheld a dark ship plunge [pg 60]out of the night

uiding the head of the Liburnian as directed. He could s

eed," cal

oars," down

-all oars held po

" shoute

oars!" down

issed about the bows,

am her midships into the Imperial trireme, when suddenly, without a word, Luke had drawn a knife through the thong that restrained th

nd in place of running into the trireme, she swerved a

m and rage shrieked f


y him, "Pour oi

tongues of brilliant ligh

yelled the f

hen came


against the darkness of the night behind, the form of

d would have fallen un

gasped. "Wife, mother, br



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