img Domitia  /  Chapter 9 SHEATHED. | 21.43%
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Chapter 9 SHEATHED.

Word Count: 2328    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

the spirits resided in the power of his staff on which he st

the rod, so that when he leaned on it, it gave way and resolved itself into

re his own vices and follies. Its power was at an end and his

June all was dissolved in the dust of decay; he was prostrate, helpless, bereft of the shadow of au

e C?sars distributing among them bread gratis,

e would serve as condiments to the bread and not as substitutes. Then a vessel arrived in port, and the hungry people believed that she was laden with the wished-for corn. When, how

and Gaul, was marching into Italy, and that none of the troops of Nero s

its load of sand, and escape to Egypt. They contemptuously refused, and disbanded. Then, in an agony of fear, Nero left the Palatine, and f

d at the door, and to act as porter because he had offended him. Guards, freedmen, court

knocking at every door, and n

murk and close, but at intervals

serted. Trembling, despairing, Nero crouched on his bed, bit his nails till [pg 72]he had gnawed them to the quick, then started up and hu

he least noise, wrapping a kerchief about a finger where blood came, he looked wit

man, Phaon by name, who was coming along the pass

that he might not be left alone; that Phaon wo

but my assistance at this hour is unavailing. I am but one man, a stranger,

earn my livelihood on the stage. Of

a hundred enemies. All will pursue, like a pack of hounds baying for the blood of him who murdered their kinsfolk. Even now I

timidly about him, terrified

e a horse. I cannot run, I am too fat; b

e of his slaves,

escape. Prepare to die as a man. Slay yourself. It is not hard to

do it only when everything fails. I have m

e besmeared with color, that they are less li

gainst becoming freckled. That will shade my face. F

ppeared in

ro entreated him to look out in his wardro

Senate has been assembled-it has been convoked

will mount the Tribune. I will ask to be given the gov

with people. They will tear you

hire me a swift galley, and I will [pg 74]take refuge with Tiridate

ot be possible for

Powers that rule the fate of men! shall I ever eat turnips again? Phaon, hide me for a season. Men's minds are c

arian and the Nomentane Roads.

I hear horse-hoofs

ten cloak. The wardrobe had been plunde

rough the empty corridors: "

m. He will betray us!" said Ne

ays previously he had ventured to correct a false quantity in some verses by his master, and Nero, in a burst of

edman. "May it please my lord to mount

his throat, drew the broad-brimmed hat over his head, enveloped hi

e entangled and is so knotted that I cannot stir. I have been th

y about with me the key of thy shackles?" Then to those who followed, "

pright posture, but falling again, owing to the tangle in the li

an Bridge, where stands now that of St. Angelo, cr

an earthquake made the city rock as if drunk; the b

field and lighted up the mausoleum of Augustus,

orward and begin the ascent of the Quirinal. The advance was slow; and Nero's fears became greater as the road [pg 76]approached the Pr

amp? Surely the Pr?torians would rally ab

and have proclaimed Galba. They would

the flanks of his steed. At tha

rtals! I am

to go a lit

Senate declare me an

fare in the cus


hand to his brow and in his a

dman pic

e cleft of a forked stick and you will be beaten, lashed

endure pain. I have a spring n

we will turn our horses loose, and by a

rived followed by two servants. He found the secretary in a heap at the door, vainly writhing

fled," said Epaphroditus, "if you will release

he h

e. Whither I alone can say. The pr

ere I can f

d a servant to bring hammer and chisel. They were speedily pro

the secretary gathered up a handful of th

he way," said he,

and waded through a marsh, and had at last found a temporary shelter in a g

he gardeners carried citron trees to and from the conserv

tried to eat some oat-cake that had bee

d with, and to pick or b

he cried. "The

Sire, pla

him a couple

one to his breast, shr

t, it will not

e other and

sharp. It cu

r opened and Lamia and

ut and cover

both! kill yourselves a

is not difficult. Do you need a swor

, who accepted it with tremulous han

ment! I f

said: "Si

ing out of his fingers, poin

e gasped, "my

chain, brought the weighted fist against the haf

back on

the moth-eaten cloak, and threw


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