Hāetür is immeasurable, plenty of stories could happen, some of those stories do not need a beginning and will not have the ending that you want, but those are there and sometimes what we do can have a bigger impact than we actually think.
The dinner was delightful, I have no recollection of something as spectacular as this dinner, 'I should come more often' was the thought that clouded my mind. But, for now it does not really matter anymore. I still have the piece of paper in my pocket, is folded in four. My belly hurts a little bit, is tight against my pants. I decided to let myself go and unbutton the old trousers, suddenly my phone rang, it was my mother. She asked me if I wanted to visit her the next day. 'We can do it right now' I reply. I could hear her smile over the phone.
It has been years since the last time we gather together, last time we were sitting on a park, and I told her she was an annoying human being. I did not mean that, I was just frustrated because I had a dreadful day that day. I really love my mother, sometimes I am just a jerk.
I drove as fast as I could to get there, I have to say that I passed some red lights, I did not care, probably the intervention of some cops could make this day way better, then I thought in those six words and a number in that piece of paper. With that in mind, I wanted to enjoy this day at its fullest. When I got into my mother house she was wearing and old coat to cover her pajamas, I felt bad, she was already sleeping, but it was now or never. I hugged her, so tight, so tender. I thought for a second that I was three years old again. I looked at her into her eyes, I wanted to cry but that will drive her crazy and she will start asking a lot of question, I do not want to waste time. I asked for her forgiveness, she did not understand what I was saying, as any other mother on the planet she feels that she has nothing to forgive, that endless mother love, something that we still cannot understand, verily to be told I suppose to understand it, I am a mother of two, but let's face the truth. I am the worst mother ever.
I abandoned my children long ago, one with my parents and the other one with her father. Mom asked me if I wanted to see my kid, I agreed to that. entering the house all those memories came back to me. My childhood, the pranks with my friends, my disobedience that at some point headed me to my first child. I walk fast towards my first-born, she was there, sleeping, utterly ignorant of my presence. I cried and my mother asked me for the reason. "He is alive and probably after me." I replied. "But he died five years ago." she added. I explained to her that I did not have enough time, I gave her the paper, she was shocked. I told her that was not his handwriting, it was someone else's. I took the paper and without saying anything else I left home. I did not want to ride my car anymore; the mere idea scare the hell out of me. Walking down the streets I started calling those who I consider important to me, I wanted so desperate to find help. "He is alive and hunting me." was the sentence rumbling in my head, over an over again, it could not be, I saw the picture of his corpse, the medical file. Later back then, I knew the hospital lost his body, but even if he is alive. Why now? He had all the time, all these years to approach me. I could not help but wonder. "If this because I am free and successful now? Is his revenge?"
Nobody answered the phone, my beg for mercy and help was useless. I started to panic with the idea of him staring at me walking alone in the middle of the night, I threw my phone away and I ran back home, at this moment I did not care if someone could rape me or kill me, whatsoever, any possible fatal destiny could be better than falling into his hand, his non-death hands.
After a couple of blocks I realized how stupid this whole matter was, people never came back from the death, if his lifeless miserable body was stole from the hospital where he died, he probably deserve it, he was an evil man and destiny was not done with him, I regret tossing my phone away, did not matter, I have the money to get a new one and I was near home, I could get a new device and with my job, recover that money in less than a day. I was finally putting myself together and it was at that moment that I saw it, the most beautiful black owl I could ever imagine. Its feathers were so dark that it seemed that it carried the night with it wherever it went, and its blue eyes, so blue that they resembled flashing lightning embedded in them. It was beautiful beyond words and not at all subtle nocturnal darkness of its anatomy.
The bird was staring at me, so deeply, so intense, it felt like it was scanning my soul and judging me, I did not like that.
As soon as I get home, I turned on the lights, pink a purple light enlightened my flat, the white walls make the place look bigger, I love my life style and I am pretty sure it would be impossible to get all I have now next to him, a body-size mirror reminded me who I was, a sexy woman on the peak of his sexiness, an incredible body, blue steel eyes, long, curly blonde hair, every man's dream. "Fuck you, miserable liar" I yelled. "I hope you burn in hell"
I took off my jacket, a long white jacket with furry decoration on the hood. I notice how noisy my heels could be when I walk, I did not care for my neighbors. I walk to my study and turn on my computer. <
I went out of the flat, I did my best to run but one of the heels just broke off, I took of the shoes and started to run barefooted, I was so scared that I did not feel any pain, my mind was telling me not to use the elevator, so I used the emergency stairs, when I went down two floors, I notice another big graffiti on the walls. <
I am sure now, is not him; maybe one of his crazy friends who already insulted me in the past, but what the hell means one of the four?
It was almost two in the morning, the street and park in front of my building was empty, not even a single soul. The owl was there. It flew away and I am quite sure I am crazy or just hallucinating but the bird just vanish on a thin air.
I kept running but my body was getting tired, I felt on my knees, and I started to cry. I wanted to yell his name but, suddenly I realized. I do not remember his name anymore. I heard footsteps approaching me. Too scared to look back I was. Some heavy boots, I man, a woman. Not sure, but it was the only person besides me, and it was walking toward me. "I am sorry" I heard me saying "If I turned him, nothing would change if you kill me."
The person behind me touched my pate as letting me know that he or she understood what I was saying, but even though. My fate was sealed.
Swiftly I opened my eyes and the only thing I could see was the fathomless darkness of the night, I took a deep breath while my lips were trembling.
The last thing I heard was the barrel of a gun.
Un hombre al verse atrapado por las malas decisiones tomadas a lo largo de su vida decide quitarse la vida, sin embargo, esta muy lejos de acabar con todo lo que ha hecho y ahora deberá enfrentarse a sus miedos, recuerdos y demonios mas profundos para escapar del mal que él mismo se ha acarreado
Allison se enamoró de Ethan Iversen, el futuro alfa de la Manada Moonlight Crown. Siempre quiso que él se fijara en ella. Sin embargo, Ethan era un alfa arrogante que pensaba que una débil omega no podía ser su pareja. El primo de Ethan, Ryan Iversen, que había vuelto del extranjero y era el verdadero heredero de la manada, nunca intentó conseguir el puesto ni mostró ningún interés por él. Era todo un alfa playboy, pero cuando regresó a la manada, una cosa cautivó sus ojos y fue Allison.
“Jefe, ¿realmente pagará por tener una mujer que ya es suya? — Redirigí mi atención hacia él por la pregunta más ridícula que tuve el disgusto de escuchar porque él mismo sabe que cuando se trata de Alessa me esfuerzo mucho — Lo siento, no quise ser invasivo. Chasqueé la lengua ante su idiotez y volví a hablar con mi tío sobre la reunión de mañana con el Sr. Lazzo, pero me detuve inmediatamente cuando comenzó el evento. - ¡Buenas noches! Señores, estoy inmensamente feliz de tenerlos aquí en otra subasta para satisfacer el deseo de cada uno de ustedes, y hoy en particular tenemos una virgen débil para los amantes de las jóvenes ingenuas y desde ahora les confío a todos que el la belleza es como la que tiene boca y no habla es muy sumisa asi que ahorra tus millones ya que la cereza de la torta llegará muy pronto! Admiré al subastador loco por ver su cabeza en bandeja solo por hablar así de mi futura esposa. - ¡tonto! Tienes los minutos de tu maldita miserable vida. — Enfadada, pero ansiosa con la intención de que mi Alessa entrara en las licitaciones guardé silencio, y aunque me vaya de aquí pobrecita que me resulta muy difícil me llevaré a mi prometida a casa. ¡esta noche! Pasaron los minutos cuando finalmente llegó vestida de blanco al frente del pequeño escenario, un atuendo que indicaba su pureza. - Tranquilízate mi amor, nadie tocará un miserable dedo si quiere contigo. ¡Tienes mi palabra! Las ofertas se hicieron una tras otra, y seguí observando a todos los que consideraron la idea de tocar a mi esposa, solo para asegurar la muerte más dolorosa. —, los momentos pasaron rápido y cuando a la última puja le faltaba el conocido le doy (el famoso le doy tres) para pegar el martillo de venta inmediatamente doblé el precio que esos hijos de puta dieron para conseguirlo. Con una sonrisa en mi rostro admiré la cara mal jodida de cada uno de ellos allí sabiendo que mi esposa se iría de aquí conmigo, en especial mi fan que fue la última en dar una oferta de 40 millones de euros. “Vendido a ti vestido todo de negro aquí en la primera fila. Con una mueca, me dispuse a reclamar lo que siempre fue mío. Lo suficientemente cerca e incluso usando una máscara pude ver que era aún más hermosa de lo que ya es, acaricié su rostro y la sentí temblar con mi toque. Esos malditos hijos de puta van a pagar por hacerla temer yo... ¡ah, vete!
Derek Dixon es un chico alegre, apuesto, millonario y muy benevolente. Actualmente figura como uno de los empresarios, más jóvenes del país. A raíz de un terrible accidente, el pobre quedó invalido según de por vida. Sin embargo, a pesar de su condición, siempre busca de ver la vida con entusiasmo, dirige junto su tío Brandon una fundación para personas con discapacidad, brindándole un poco de consuelo a los menos favorecidos. En este nuevo camino, lo acompañará la hermosa Leah, una chiquilla alocada y muy inocente, a quién el destino a golpeado muy duro, a ésta joven huérfana la vida le cambiará radicalmente, dándole un inesperado giro. Qué la hará convertiste en: "La Esposa Virgen del Paralitico"
Amar y ser amada es lo que toda mujer sueña. Sin embargo, lo único que Debbie quería era el divorcio. Llevaba tres años casada con Carlos, un joven multimillonario a quien ni siquiera había visto la cara. Cuando por fin decidió poner fin a su irónico matrimonio e ir en busca de la felicidad verdadera, apareció su supuesto marido y le pidió que lo intentaran de nuevo. A partir de entonces, Carlos se sentía increíblemente atraído por el espíritu libre y salvaje de Debbie y se enamoró de ella. Él comenzaba a mimarla. Poco a poco, lo que había entre ellos se iba a convirtiéndose en una atracción irrefrenable. Esto es una extraordinaria historia de amor donde descubrirá que, a veces, el amor no está muy lejos de cada uno de nosotros.
El amor es ciego. Lucinda renunció a su acomodada vida por un hombre. Se casó con él y se ocupó de todo durante tres largos años. Un día se le cayeron las escamas de los ojos. Se dio cuenta de que todos sus esfuerzos habían sido en vano. Su marido, Nathaniel, siempre la trataba como a una mierda, porque su amor ya pertenecía a otra mujer. Se dijo a sí misma: "¡Ya basta! He terminado de malgastar mi tiempo con un hombre desagradecido". El corazón de Lucinda se rompió en pedazos, pero de todos modos, reunió el valor para pedir el divorcio. La noticia causó un gran revuelo en Internet. ¿Una joven rica que acababa de divorciarse de su marido? ¡La mujer soñada! Innumerables directores ejecutivos y jóvenes apuestos acudieron a ella como abejas a la miel. Nathaniel no aguantó más. Dio una rueda de prensa y suplicó con los ojos llorosos: "Te quiero, Lucinda. No puedo vivir sin ti. Por favor, vuelve a mí". ¿Le dará Lucinda una segunda oportunidad? Siga leyendo para descubrirlo.
Isabella, luego de su divorcio se enfoca solo en buscar un trabajo para no perder la cabeza. Aunque en una fiesta decide dejar que su deseo por un desconocido la descontrole, quiere olvidarla y que eso solo quede en su memoria. Pero eso queda claro que no sucederá cuando reconoce la voz del hombre en ¡su jefe! Para terminar de complicar la tensión entre los dos se entera que producto de esa noche está embarazada. Una equivocación que los llevará a estar juntos al enterarse Aiden de ese bebé. No lo dejará a la deriva por mucho que eso le traiga complicaciones a su vida. Con un hijo de por medio y una atracción que surge para convertirse en una necesidad de estar siempre juntos. Una casualidad única que ambos aprovecharan para confesar sus secretos más íntimos.