first and most important may be said to have been Mrs. Abercrombie Brendon, who opened her house for a portrait exhibition. She had an eye for men as well as for art, so when handsome Jerry app
ney in lavish spectacles of all kinds. There were Balls of the Gods and Pagan Routs, Persian
ious efforts in a mammoth affair, which would provide woollen underwear for the Belgians, or something equally practical and unpoetic.
she complained. "We have people to be in the thing, people t
said Jerry
couple o
u them w
good working order, and at
mething new
idea, will you
inister, court chamberl
be called the 'Pagea
aps, or King Herod's, very gorgeous and beautiful. We can have groups, and friezes, and scenes; the costuming has infinite possibilities
nius!" cried
d. Then
e whole thing, and direct it. Draw your plans an
e in ea
es as a poor return fo
speech, but you have to earn
s, y
nate time and brains for nothing. This is
nds and a gra
es of that boasted brain," s
" said Jerry without hesitation. "We'll
l paint m
orning, Mr. Paxton. We'll make our plans while you work out yours. Then we'll
me portrait sittings.
m in the pageant, that will keep t
. You have given me an eve
d. If I put this through, I've arrived." It was dusk when he climbed to his quarters and he hummed as he went. He threw open the door and rushed in. The big room
ane Judd, i
," she answered
ongings on the divan. He lit a cigare
ss Judd?" he demanded. She looked up wi
how the shadow from the lamp accentuated the bold mod
't deal much in em
r answered. He laughe
ou are about as satisfactory as
she answered, in a low rather du
you double rates for your thoughts. A sil
-tat came o
called Je
looking girl st
ry? What's th
d of a job, and I'm trying to raise a spark of h
ne," she added, seating herself comfo
hes of his own. He was so boyishly elated over i
he big mural designs? How about my portr
e Brendon that I would try my best to put off my portra
pick your brains, that crowd, and take you
a thing or two about the dear rich. They will pa
work spirit-make you y
did choose a diet o
uck all the time between the artist and the sense
's go to Buffanti's for a celebration. We'll get Chat and Jinny for
re this morning
wailing bans
t the same. This very night may mark
and we'll sing it in our cups. Don'
glanced at the silent bent figure
ss Judd; we're off to
to rights, as noiseless as a wraith. The other two went on talki
owe you?" J
for to
ge. Can you let it
he said
five. Consider yourself p
do that. I'll b
erence does it make whether you g
got it even. You
ht; much
, then took it with a b
, Jane Judd
he woman answer
earching for cigarette
ture, that,
o you suppose she
I care as litt
e's like steel, clean-cut, shinin
r noticed," said J
s up, keeps us in order. Jane Judd is the law and order of our set. She glid
about Jane Judd? She interests me about as much as a
ched herself luxuri
ensible animal evolved fro
m to have any point, Bob
uppose only Bible allusio
othing Biblical
dim and vasty void out
ight. He took her by the elbow and led her