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Reading History

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 2352    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

. All sorts of new demands were made upon his time. In his hurried calls upon Bobs he tried to explain that t

n in after them, into the golden

et me, Bobsie

she took him, by some strange chance, they came upon Althea Morton. He sat next her at dinner, at the opera; he danced with her,

New York stock, somewhat emasculated from too much wealth, but still pure. She had been born into luxury. She

d always from any contact with the rude world; she was always spared the necessity of thinking for herself. It was perhaps not her fault that her adv

as they did all women, so that little by little he came to hold a very special place in her th

his attractions. She had plenty of money for them both, and to do her justice, money was so mu

meetings were prompted by his desires, rather than by Mrs. Brendon's passion for vicarious romance. Althea was happy, and

an inspiration. It flashed upon her at a dinner party in her own house, whe

take the Empress off to Palm Beach, Crom, and hav

ptly, "and so will Wally, if I ha

irl, but what about

here when

egan on Thursday and ended the following Tuesday. T

u, Althea?" h

uld lo

, Jerry

must count me

trait aboard the yacht and we'll stay out till you're ready to


ith our chee-ild?"

oming home to-morrow for three weeks. Sh

g," said Mrs. B

a way to keep Isabelle

e quiet for the rest of

the yacht, if she's a nuisan

e "Cinderella Man." Jinny laid a bet on Miss Morton's capture of him. He took up her wa

lid into sunshine and warm winds. Life was one long, delicious playtime. To Jerry it was perfect, until he began

gh to convince Jerry that the price of his freedom was not the completed portrait of Mrs. Abercrombie Brend

sabelle Bryce, the sixteen-year-old daughter of the Wallys. She was a queer, thin, brown little creature, with huge brown eyes. For the first few days he had scarcely

fraid you'll blow ov

You've waked

been a

een me before,

you know what you look li

ok like a

et. Are you always so sile

low of their lives. They think I'm sick,

the reform-

hem that I may not be taken back at tha

nd they exp

ecide. That's why I had to

on't l

. How'd I know whether you

to wake up?" he

uppose I want to play with fat old Brendon, do y

et, she wanted a p

so I had to wait till you came to. I'd have pushed you overboard, if i

on. I'm awak

eck in one spring. Jerry pursued. She raced around the w

You're getting

tle beggar. I'd l

y i

e cricket. She followed at Jerry's heels every minute. She sang, she talked, she whistled, she played tricks. She was the great, original pest, which no one co

in public, one day,

a brat!"

brat," she retorted. "

obody," said

stepped on. The Wallys are hungry for cricket blood!" she cried,

have or they'll send you home," h

n you're cross, Jerr

want to

ht to be glad I saved you from Althea, the beautiful wax doll. Has she any wor

t discuss the other guest

e to have manne

ce. The night was perfect, warm, with a full moon. Mrs. Brendon managed to get Althea and Jerry on the upper deck



gh? Aren't

ogether in New York, but here it is so forced. Besides, that drea

her off the

gh at her; y

ty. I confess


Lord! She's a l


aren't jea

e? You spend all y

s. She was really distressed, and Jerry

behind him. Isabelle, her hair flying, her robe floating behind her, her bare feet stuck in

Jerry. I can

's the matter?" he said,

ll kill myself,

e you except when you

bing in

y like th

ad against his neck, as

ry. P-please s-sa

you. Now, go to bed

you say yo

; I say it

I can remem

love you mad

," she whispered in his ea

he said, loos

me down

l walk," he said sternly, a

propose to Althea pretty soon. Then we can

lthea she rose, and he

t creature make you

e is a spoiled, neglected kid

have shut us up on a ship with her. I shall land the first minute possible, and go hom

nightmare. When he thought he was on solid land, he stepped off precipices. When he knew

calling him north at once. It was now a case of marry Althea or r

an escaped prisoner. When the porter went through the car calling: "Telegram for Mr. Jerome Paxton," he came to, and s

with you?-W

did Bryce mean by that ridiculous wire? Why in the name of mercy should that limb of Satan be with him? He supposed she was up to some

ally, Jerry?" asked

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