they appointed him Minister Extraordinary to the whole affair. He was to design the setting fo
e free to put all his heart and brain at their service. This was quite impossible unless he gave up all other work for the time being. If that was not entirely satisfactory to them, he w
as a new way to dress up. None of them thought it was funny for the seemly old prophets to disport themselves at a ball, not until the newspaper wits began to point it out. But it never p
over old pictures, working at effects. He decided upon the throne room of King Herod as the big general background of the show. He planned a wide staircas
ith abandon. He laboured early and late, until he was tired out, before the rea
own Prince to stage the Coronation. This is nothing but ready m
ew York ever had. I'm interested in it. When it's ove
take you for a cruise on her ya
hat's the trouble, Bobsie? Are you jealou
zed out
away from your work, pick your brains, wear you out, and then
aking her look at him. "For a penny, I'd shake you, Bobs! What do you think I
you do, but
knew he was annoyed. He went back to work on a cost
ed rapidly for an hour. Then a mov
hat?" he
o view, a sock pul
you s
d, I forgot y
other room when M
d at her
thing in that ice-box I could ea
ected hi
t something
other. I'll
started off, i
of us, Miss Judd; I'l
e laid the table, served a chop, creamed potatoes, a salad, and Turkish c
our place?"
ght som
his lunch. It's a grand tiffin. Whe
ling in every inch of her body,
ook; they just absorb i
came back he was studying his sketch while he ate. He scarcely notic
his big show I
ing. How did yo
was at the Chatfields' yester
? What did
n't li
you're not
you ever used a smile! What k
to end the interview.
just when you had smiled at me for the first time
" she repli
grimace and
ed; in fact, as the whole big machine began to revolve on Jerry as axis, he frequently sent out a hurry call for Jane Judd to get him some lu
hin. At the eleventh hour the costumers decided that they could not turn out the gowns for the "vestal vir
to do?" he burst out, a
e matter?"
with an out
y hard t
got to be done da
w m
e of women to help, I m
somebody; pay 'em anything; bu
u got th
phone for it and g
't forget thre
phoning, Bobs app
bing entirely too much of your time. I'
gone wrong with some costumes, and I've offered
you can do for the pampered darling?
nd when the stuff arrived Jane had t
take your time like
rry; explain the d
up a drawing which b
know how to cut th
do I," sa
e remarked, and they all
straight, neck t
d it carefu
it on you, Miss Roberts, and if it'
aised for Jan
poke impatiently now and then, but Jane was calm. In the end the gown was cut and basted and hung on tired Bobs. Then Ja
ou three blessed, stitch
ld any woman a
of everybody, Jane J