orn, there was the shrill shrieking of the brake-ba
rt ahead!" exclaimed one of three
the trio, while an elderly man, who was in the rear seat with o
answer the lad at the steering wheel mad
headed straight toward a solitary Mexican who was m
ow up? You've got the
s sometimes called him, because of his fatness, "Chunky." "Of course I'
d the emergenc
a warning to the Mexican,
n spite of the fact that it was not under powe
d let him hear the expl
were not unlike a Gatling gun battery goi
he ox. The animal turned squarely across the road, thus shutting off what
'd better hold on to your specimens. There's going to be all sor
looking up from a box of bugs and stones on his lap, seem
side and let us have half the road!" yelled Jerry as a last desperate r
understand United
admitted Je
to get out of the road," suggested the professor ca
working at the brake, the auto shot right at the ox cart. By the merest good luck, more than anything else, for Bob could steer neit
axle into a stump served to bring the car to a stop. The car was slewed around to one side, the ox was yanke
r machine piled the occupants on the rear seat up in a heap on the floor of the tonnea
xican and the bellowing of the ox. Then the cloud of dust slowl
ty kettle of fi
ry, trying to get some of the dust from his mout
ow the brake wasn't going to work
over the edge of the tonneau, and not releasing his
t's the ox or the auto," said Ned, taking a look. "
g his fist at the Motor Boys and the professor, meanwhile, it would appear fr
Bob's scalp," said
rowled Chunky. "If he had pulled to o
e boys, who had been long enough in Mexico to pick up considerable of the language, gathered that the native demanded t
fessor," suggested Jerry. "Off
ms explained how the accident had happened
is demand, and announced that unless the money was instantly for
he endless delays of Mexican justice, the
was some way o
rt or ox been damaged, there was really no e
ars and skip out," suggest
up against a tree stump on a bank, and the ox cart, whic
specimens before himself, was examining the various boxes containing them. He opened one containing his latest acquisitio
Mexican as he caught sight of the repulsive cr
ce he urged the animal on to such advantage that, a few minutes late
b. "Now to see how much
t enough to cause any serious damage. Under the direction of Jerry the boys managed to get the machin
an opportunity will be taken to pres
pkins, the son of a widow. All three were about seventeen years of age, and lived in the city of Cresville, not far from Boston, Mass. Their compa
the three lads. Sufficient to say that some time before this story opens they had taken part in some
ing part in a big race meet, one of them won an event which gave him a chance to get
" which tells of a tour across the country, in which they had to contend with their old enemy, Noddy Nixon, and his gang. E
after a fight with their enemies. The mine turned out wel
Professor Snodgrass, who told a wonderful story of a buried city. How the boys found this ancient town of old Mex
he rich treasures and the fights with the bandits. Also there is told of the rescue of the Mex
e City of Mexico, where the auto was given a good overhau
ng to the best and most frequented roads, to avoid the brigands, with whom they had had more than one adventure on
to the auto where, gathering up the belongings that had become
un her for a wh
ss!" exclaimed the professor suddenly, dropping down on his