pear-Danes of yor
the fair fame of
s a-faring in fr
heaf-son from the ho
a many the mea
rl fear'd them, si
all-lacking; so
e welkin in wo
o that the rou
whale-road must
e tribute. A goo
hereafter a so
rth, whom the gre
lk; and their cr
on them while lo
nd long. He theref
lory, world's wo
xed, and wide t
Scyld in the parts
a youngling with
fts toward the fri
d-days shall eve
-willing when wen
serving. By praise
ll kindreds a man
s Scyld when the
d him to the lor
bear him to the si
of him, as he h
rd wielded the frie
he land; a long wh
ringed at the hyt
t-fain, the At
ey lay him, the l
bestower, within
st. Much there w
rsooth had the f
f keel that was
war, and with we
with byrnies. Th
e treasure that w
flood's might
were the wealth-g
e folk, than did t
eginning, firs
billows, and he
set him up the
ad, and let th
pearman. Sad mind
heir mood was. No
o say it, rede-
eaven, to whose ha