old West India trade, had sighted Sandy Hook, and was mak
eagerly watching the approaches t
a man of disting
andsome were it not for the yellow hue of skin which
nd as he was a man of large means and a member of many historical and s
lian, and was returning to New York from
was only he and Ca
r cable from Havana, and will be at the w
s it not possible that he will
ook his head w
the most penurious man in America. Do you think he would
y. Did you not specify that it was a matt
, this Gilbert Parker. The Aurelian is all the property he owns in the world and every
face wore a deter
oes not see fit to lend the Aurelian for my purpos
tley turned
ith some excitement, "why m
eave P
n snapped
Aurelian for him eight years and made a mint of money for him. Yet he would not yie
d Clifford. "And Hartley, it shall be
s agr
aith in our
rst mate called down
over yonder making s
at once! Can it be possible that
hat is true!" crie
he has very radically depart
aled the Aurelian now
and among her company the angular form
n alongside. The owner came up
que sort of way, "you have brough
that, Mr. Parker,"
yage been s
est ye
ou are very shrewd, Hartley, and I will admit, faithful. I have gone to some expense to come out here and
tain. "Come into the cabin. But first, allow
perfunctory way,
much pl
were seated in the cabin at
ened the c
a story, Mr. Parker," he said; "
said Park
go engaged in exploring the interior of Honduras. In the mountains he found the ruined city of an ancient race. In exploring th
losed in fragments of armor, such as was worn by
assumption was that it was the remains of one of the early Spanish invaders,
he found the following scratched in ba
eon to starve by the heathen, curses upon them! Cur
a Veneta, lies fathoms deep in the ocean, off thi
s land of deception and disappointment. Buried at the bottom of the sea is my noble ship
eneta went down. The whole coast map of Honduras was shown, and so comprehensive w
iven, only approximate distance
All the while Parker had listened
nally, "what do you think of it? Is
"how can 5it be recovered? How can you recover
reds of divers who wil
y can f
e incre
ed the miser, angrily. "What a bit of moonshine! You are a fool, Hartley. I gave you credit for more s
ack. Hot words were on his tongue,
e no faith in
elian to this scheme on pr
ey arose quickly to his feet. He
may look for a new captain. I am
ve a viol
"have I not alwa
thout rel
mean to
ip nor enough of money to carry o
Clifford, has," repl
d regarded Clifford
nity, Mr. Parker. We are not sorry, however, to exclude you from our enterprise. It is true that I hav
eenly at Clifford
will reco
hatically. "We are alone in this e
ed much under his breath. The Aurelia
leave of the vessel. The captain took the portfolio in which he
hotel. Neither were disconcer
y, "but there are others, Clifford. I am not
my dear friend, let us at once get