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Chapter 3 Strange People Part 1

Word Count: 3540    |    Released on: 22/07/2019

arry's P

rrow had nothing to eat (the food that was there had long since expired) they came to the unanimous decision to eat out for breakfast (or brunch

mediate. He did his best to keep them both happy, with mild success but sometimes he felt it wasn't enough. In the end, there was only two people that could

Harry could only tell from his many years working with wood and metal in the forge. Like the weathered doors, the metallic tables and chairs were worn down. A faint sheen o

and the wooden fence that marked the outdoor entrance to the establishment. The faint sound of

stomach rumbling hungrily. If one thing hadn't changed after all these years, it was his appetite. It was

ortest among them, rounding out to be 5'6. She was shorter even then their mother. The kind woman had been 5'9. The fact that Harry reme

he exact shade of green her eyes were....all these had faded away with time. Harry's father had warned him this would happen someday, as memory fades w

sit on. The menus were plain in color. Harry sipped from his coffee, filled with seve

lready chosen to get a couple of cranberry coated crepes for breakfast. A gl

spend the day doing some reconnaissance. I've already can

nstitute." Harry suggested,

It'll be hard to get in

a visiting Shadowhunter. What with these and all."

Harry and his siblings had worked side by side with the likes of Jonathan Shadowhunter to promote peace and prosperity. That had been so

very few Shadowhunters were allowed to know what they were truly capable of. As the generations they'd known and loved died, they'd had to come to a difficult decision. They did not age

applied if that was their will. As for him however, he'd kept his runes. He didn't know if it was his need to always

of us, " She gestured to herself and Daniel, "will likely draw t

rchild. The same could be said for Daniel, who was very similar in looks to one Alec Lightwood.

when he'd found that Michael's supposed son Jonathan hadn't been his son at all. On the one hand, he had been happy for the Herondale family.

on his older brother's words. "So with that settled, Pippa you can check out the Accords

don't know about you two but I kn

r a feast of a dinner, I'll pick up some food on the way back." With that decided, Harry

lec's P

us had done another scan of his mind in the morning before work. His husband had found that the energ

n't get enough lazy days in together with all the work they have, Alec knew he had work to do. As Inquisitor, his job is especially important in

dn't want him to be here. He clicked his pen. In, out, in, out, the tip went. Sometimes it was nice to just here a noise outside


nging sending vibrations on his wooden desk. He was unsurprised to see it was a text from Jace, who was labeled as The idiot I hav

! What's up?

brother to be texting just to ask him how

eatises for the Accords. Trying to get equal treatment t

lying he was fat when he told Alec 'you look like a snack...wait, even better, a full course meal'. He'd been embarrassed and i

Magnus you've been having a bit of a

a bit stressed with the

d to destress. U should tak

do you suggest?

trol. Gotta nest of Blixer demons

husband had set Jace up to this, but he couldn't b

r with Magnus, no wa

suggested you join me. And don't worry, you'l

the text he had with his husband. He hadn't thought up a really complicated name for his husba

you want me to hunt demons? Wha

ink with everything going on, some time w

n answer to his second question, he re

ight. I figured we'd go to Taki's. Maia's been a

see you tonight t

on't be late. Love you😍

ve you t

of changes of gear and clothes there, along with his weapons during work. It wasn't often he needed either dur

Skip/ Jace

got to differ, it was always a pleasant surprise. Visits from Alec fell into that category. He'd been elated to hear from Magnus this morning suggesting that Alec spend s

es. These blades varied in size, the smallest being located in the heel of his left combat boot. He didn't often use that

. Blixer demons were known to be slimy, scattering ichor everywhere when sent back to their demonic realm of origin. It was the most annoying part

nt. Izzy was busy enough with work as Institute Head. Add that to working with Clary to become Parabatai and spending time

to having long conversations in Izzy's office. Back when Clary was just a Mundane, Jace knew a lot of

ping hand for his Parabatai to grab onto but he never expected Jace to actually take it. Isabelle was his m

it drilled into him that he didn't need anyone. To love is to destroy, his mind remarked bitterly. So many years wasted u

inders of the man whenever his childhood was brought up. Valentine would always have some presence in his life. A

knew that his Parabatai was coming over today, agreeing that they'd go on a

weapons stashed accordingly in his gear. The sun had set awhile ago. The o

e of the screens, chatting with none other then Andrew Underhill. Their time working together had given them a fri


blue monitors, mindful of the other shadowhunters rummaging about. The blue white lighting of the screens could give one a headache

nd him. He turned to see Underhill standing there, wearing gear that was

ood to see you too.

hake his friend's hand (there was no way he was going to hug him when the other man was cover

lden brown in color. Runes decorated his arms and neck, effectively marking him as a Shadowhunter. The stranger's eyes were mostly green with flecks of gold rimmi

ng behind his back. The feathers gleamed with a blue white tinge in the ops center lighting, the wings themselves we

s seeing. When opened his eyes once more, the wings had disappeared. It

nger disappear into the hallway to who knew where. Oddly enough, the other guy had seemed oddly familiar, but as it was very unlikely he knew

ld him. Alec returned his focus to the other man. Undehill's eyes

I'm good. Just a bit stressed with the meeting coming up and all." Andrew nodded, not entirely

erson. Underhill stepped back so the two could embrace each other as they pleased, bidding them good bye for the evening

xtending his arms out for

ed happily between them, practically singing as they touched. It was a tether that joi

tretched thin, aching for Jace to be around. Having lived in Alicante for a year, he'd learned how to manage this ache. What

ith mismatched eyes amusedly. "Are you ready for the hunt? Those

couple blades on his person, his thigh holster containing a wicked looking ruby hi

ed. Jace grinned at him, walking ov

e of the shadowy figures following them as they made their way out onto the crowded Ne

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