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Chapter 4 Strange People Part 2

Word Count: 6063    |    Released on: 22/07/2019

p to Alec and J


rches of the cathedral cast long shadows across the sidewalk. The mural windows g

le had no idea about the hidden world living right alongside theirs. Som days Harry wished they did, just so

ld. This was a good thing too, as regular people often couldn't come to terms with the supernatural when it was so blatantly shoved in their faces. The p

eadquarters of the nephilim in this city. Harry was sure he looked just like every other Shadowhunter, the runes of his arms showing stark black against his

ing. The blue white light of the screens reflected on the teal reflective surface of the flooring. Sensors with their alerts

ndreds of Shadowhunters. Harry walked away from the ops center after scanning each of t

the longest. All the hallways were painted with the same drab olive green wallpaper, the dark wood lining blending

, each of them hosting the standard queen or king sized bed with a wooden dresser, built in closet, bathroom and n

wings twinge behind him, the golden brown feathers restless from being kept from the air currents for well over a day. He didn't know how his s

ed early on that he'd save the Institute Head's office for last. He had yet to meet Isabelle Lightwood, t

And strong too! She reminds me of.... He sighed, thoughts of his eldest sister dampening his mood. H

still with them. Since the mission started, this had died down marginally, but he doubted it would last. Sar

ng in. It was right next to the weapon's cache where the weapons master of the institute would work. Many weapons of all forms had been th

original creations there, created by the lovely Isabelle. He'd admired her craftsmanship, it wasn't often that he found a weapons maste

meter of the hall. The flooring had more runes carved into it, the cathedral windows casting a filtered white light onto them. Two

He leaned against a pillar quietly, scrutinizing them with his sharp green, gold flecked gaze. The two of them were passionate in their movements, ducking and

zy taunted Clary teasingly, batting away

, her green eyes blazing. "Oh yea? Jus

The silver electrum material of her snake patterned whip remained curled around her right wrist, ready for use. On the other wrist was the woman's ruby s

Isabelle was on the attack, her movemen

e was panting by the time she finally got to retaliate, her swings getting sloppy. Harry watches them for a few mor

bet y'all didn't e

e usually was bombarded with meetings to attend, papers to sign and the like. At the very least, the newest Inquisitor Ale

with many spires leading up into the sky. The windows of the place consisted of a dark blue. They were like this so that the vampires co

ned and polished regularly. While it mostly consisted of one gigantic meeting hall, their were two smaller wings of the building, where old drafts of the Accords an

rise when she spotted none other then Clary Fairchild making her way down the hall. Her ginger h

ou to Alicante?" She asked her,

but someone else entirely. This person was very similar to what she'd expect of a Fairchild, with green e

cklace, a bright blue glowing vial attached to it. Jia had no idea what it was for, but she could practically

rt of accent that Jia couldn't place. Come to think of it, she looks familiar, but yet I don't

owhunters as its being cleaned." The girl tilted her head at that. A brief flicker of s

e look crossing her face. Jia straightened her back up, exuding the rigid posture she us

justifiably. The girl studied her closely, green eyes narrowed. Ev

n the floor. Jia watched her go confusedly. She would've like to ask who this girl was exactly, but it appeared she missed her chance. Sighing, sh

ippa's P

hen she could finally step out. Pippa had thoroughly checked out the rest of the Accords Hall already, the only thing left was to check the rest of the West Wing. Unsu

, the loud blare of One Direction's 'No Control' mid chorus startled the living daylights out of her. S

her, especially his love life with the last girl he'd been with. Not that Harry needs to know that.

ld for Harry, it

med through the cell phone speaker. Pippa hurried over to an alleyway, wanting

e'd tell Daniel in her report later. Her older brother would flip out if he knew she'd been spo

d of the line, as if Harry was adjusting his

ry and asked what I was doing there. S

about you come over here? I could use a hand on going through all these documents

want to do that

ing her eyes at that, "and Dad's coming over for a hunt with Jace, I could use t

"Alright, I'll be over soon. Try not to do anything stu

niel's P

he city below him. As the nephilim homeland didn't have any skyscraper like buildings, Daniel was able t

been altered to allow Down Worlders in, creatures with pure demon blood still were completely unable to enter the city. There weren't many Down W

e need to be in the air for the time being. The bow and quiver were both neatly situated in their spots slung over his shoulder. He

the horizon blowing their petals throughout the market. It was a pretty sight to watch to say the least. The vendors had their little hutches and te

ale blue, many of its plastic flaps lifted up to let air circulate. Right across from it was a vampire vendor selling silver knifes. His tent was a bright red in color, the faint smell of blood

objects he focused on the the warlock he was looking for amongst the crowd. Armando Drake was a warlock long lived, possibly one of the oldest ones st

nt Angel was carved as the top of this fountain, spilling out water from a old bronze colored pot in its hand. This structure had be

it's nice to see you."

e pupils in the center. She was carrying some sort of potion bottle in one gnarled hand, it's contents a slushy brown. If he squinted, h

e other man. "If it isn't Daniel Lawrence Windemiere Lig

nines in a deep blue overcoat, a red sweater vest and white undershirt. A silk bow tie was neatly wrapped around the bottom of his throa

nections over the year. His mark was something the man only unglamoured for his closest friends. Daniel fell into that category so he cou

and a faded orange. He'd always imagined that those wings would look amazing in the sky, like a patchy sunset. This could never be

an so he did not see the changes in his son. Armando's mother did however, and she did not react well to the news. Instead his mother attacked him, going at hi

out his dear friend was from their many drunken ramblings. The pair had first met after Daniel's own mother had passed,

w years after Sarah's....accident. He still didn't like to talk about it, or even think about it for that matter. The two men had exchanged a lot information in their own misery, and th

ong time since any Shadowhunter has ever tied me to that name." Armando eyes

re we can talk in private." The door to the mobile cart swung open, inviting him inside. Daniel clambere

d Drake's Emporium of magical goods and artifacts. To Daniel's understanding, Armando kept vaults all over the world storing his collection of goods he'd cr

ivate talks with friends he considered close. The lights in this part of the rectangular room were dim, the b

wood and cloth. A makeshift kitchen was off to the side with a stove, mini fridge and microwave. O

er of the oblong room. A white fleece pillow and gray fuzzy blanket were set askew on it, a clear reference

few of them were of places Armando had been to and loved, Daniel felt a flicker of warmth seeing what had

tearing up at what it depicted. His father's loving blue gaze stared back at him, the man's arms slung over Harry and himself. Pippa was perched atop his shoulders, Sarah

skin webbing between his thumb and finger. Pulling and twisting at it wasn't something that was good for him in all actuality, but yet it did calm him.

st. He felt ashamed to be returning to this habit...and yet, he just couldn't help himself. It was his dear fri

nonchalant tone in the warlock's voice didn't fo

ut her." He said this last part quietly, a tenderness in him he only felt about those h

mando told him. Daniel let out a soft exhale, relief filling him up. The Dark Order was an old enemy, and to their knowledge a

tions didn't know of the ill intentioned groups whereabouts, then that meant they had to be

hot him a sympathetic look, his amber eyes as sympathetic as they always were whenever Sarah got brought

ly sorry my dear friend, but the likelihood of what you're hoping for...of finding a way just isn't likely. Sh

cold. "You think I don't know this? I wish I could move on...but I just can't. There's some part of

ect from the wafting violet light spilling from Armando's palms, the touch of it healing and restoring.

ts in front of himself, the only difference the fervent smell of alcohol. It was likely one of the man's favorite gins, an odd choice to add to the s

in." Armando said airily, the f

oss of one person he held dear, yet hopeful for the return of another. He glanced covertly at the photo hanging


nds, his quiver slung over his back. Magnus had enchanted it not that long ago, assuring that the arrows the

eerie mist coated the ground; the street lights flickering on and off. If Alec was a fan of spooky stories like Simon, he'

meant something along the lines of the unblinking vixen. The creatures they were hunting were a grayish orange in color, their eyes a moldy green that foamed. These eyes rarely ever b

fact that they were twice the size of foxes and there flanks had built in nozzles that exuded a yellow acid that burned through

hand. What the two Parabatai hadn't been expecting however was the sheer amount of demons they'd have to face. T

e, who'd been fighting off two more of the blixers gave him an unspoken thanks, killing the tw

, there can't be much mo

ming! When he and Jace had first discovered there was more demons then they'd thought, the pair had scrambled for higher

the blixers, and it forced Alec to press up against the railing for balance as he shot arrow after arrow. The rapid

arp claws pierced through one of his pant legs just enough to draw blood. He groaned, stabbing it

lated sides oozing. Their fangs glinted with slimy black spit in the low lights of the park. There was too many

to combat. His back was pressed against the railing even more, the cold steel poles with their twisti

l it as quick as he could. The blonde haired male had lost quite a few of his seraph blades already. The shining white blades th

this ache struck him at his very core. It was though Alec had become some sort of electric live wire, every cell in his body burning like hot l

ice...make that voices. The ruckus they were making would've been loud if he could've focused on them. From what he could sense the monsters

d at his head, fingernails scratching his scalp. Alec

way returned to full power but they did give him his vision back. He couldn't be sur

having been used to activate Alec's iratze rune. It was behind Alec's brother that was an odd vision to see. Two figures were there, the male from earlier and a new girl who looked to

ry tender. As Alec could hardly move at all, too dizzy with pain, he ha

lliance about her. Long, flowing red hair and vibrant green eyes were what drew his gaze. She was wearing a dress, it'

nly term a small, sad smile. A smile that gave him the knowledge she knew things

Alec yearned to stay awake and ask more questions though his body had a different plan.

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