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Chapter 1 A Day in the Life

Word Count: 4649    |    Released on: 22/07/2019


ing sunlight down across the bed. Alec has moved out of Magnus's arms already, having woken

utiful sight to behold, but there was just something extra special about the way he looked when he was conked out in bed be

a Magnus untouched by any pain or sorrow. A small smile played at the warlock's lips showing a Magnus a


hat it always went as planned. Let's just say, Magnus could be very very distracting in the morning. And who would Alec be to deny his

a lazy morning in. Magnus too had scheduled that he'd be off work today so that they could enjoy a lazy day in. Tha

and Clary didn't go to overboard on the squealing about their favorite singers, he'd be okay. That, and if Magnus regaled them in his many adventures at concerts

He'd learned upon living with Magnus for over the past year that the man loved redecorating when the mood struck. As such, a black leather couch was in the center of the room w

also for when Magnus educated Alec in Mundane culture...or Project Runway. Magnus really l

agazine or newspaper. As both of them enjoyed cleanliness, everything was usually in its rightful case. This didn't include

s Magnus bought for him. It had been a very passionate night when the walls changed color....his hus

ide variety of records nearby. Being a lover of music throughout the ages he also had a CD player and speaker system on the other side of the dining room table. Alec scooped up

once. While he usually had a long day of work, being the Inquisitor and all, he'd gotten done a couple hours early. As a result, he got to spend a

cared for his sister. He'd never seen Isabelle so happy before, and he knew that Simon was good for

se pans were a burgundy red on the outside with a black filling. Walking over to

cabinets, these were also white. Unlike the ones out in the den, these had sleek granite countertops. For the ne

us's POV/Tim

ing again. His husband had gotten better in the culinary arts ever since the stew fiasco. Blinki

lazy mornings like these, his robe and boxers were usually all he wore. They we

out a small rumble in anticipation. Magnus wasn't more of a morning person outside of his husband's days off from work. Those days all bets were off

otos from a photo booth in Tokyo commemorating one of their first dates in another country. He fondly gazed at the wedding pictures and honeymoon pictures. Those are some

g, I was just finishing setting t

hadowhunter gave him a swift peck on the lips which Magnus happily returned before Alec led him over to the table, his callused hand

up and about already." He gestured to the plates of pancakes, b

thing nice for you so..." he gestured lamely to the table. Magnu

wo ate in companionable silence, exchanging a few aimless words. The sun conti


the past two hours. After several months of training, the two had advanced to swords. Jace's seraph blade gleamed at his touch, Simon's didn't but that

Jace remarked. Simon let out a huff

the I doubt that in his tongue. He stepped off the other male, extending a hand to haul him to h

uced to the Shadow World, she'd been hard at work learning every skill she knew in the past. Her memories were proving to be the b

. Catarina had scanned Clary's mind for the past few months in a row. The healer warlock had told them that Clary's mind was in a state of flux. It was as if in her effort t

realized that she'd asked Izzy to be Parabatai before she lost her memory, Clary had been eager to start working towards that goal again. Norm

w what he'd do if he had to go through life without Alec by his side. He could feel his brother's

u out again huh Si. I thought you said this was gonna be the day you'd

lic might Fray. I'll get him next time for sure." He promised, placing hi

a chaste kiss. Jace looked away, making a mild gagging sound at the PDA. Clary swatted him for being

ropes for a while there Jace. Don't try to deny it." She re

d sarcastically. "And I suppose next you'l

at about him. I didn't think you were paying attenti

et alone five. He also didn't know how Alec went through it daily. It's probably because he's so whipped for Magnus. His Parabatai was completely compliant to his husba

still don't know how you two managed to spe

ir over her shoulders. Ever since Isabelle had become the head of the NY Inst

gether for over a year now. The couple were so smitten with each other, almost to the level Magnus and Alec were at. Not tha

en they first met, Jace would've been annoyed by the affectionate gestures Simon often showed Clary. Now he recognized them for the friendly g

we leave for dinner. Remember, we've got that

ho caught it with ease. Vampires couldn't sense temperature changes, being dead and all though they still could sweat

ckets. Whoever the band was, Simon, Izzy and Clary had been talking about them for several weeks.

st to get there around thirty minutes to an hour ea

always sit on Alec's shoulders dur

u've got the best seat in the house." He said jokingly. Clar

unded an awful lot like 'Jace, Magnus and jealous'. This also sounded right, as Jace and Magnus would look at the pair jealously during

and it's already almost 5 now. And you two take forever to get ready." He gestured to the girls. Izzy

m him. "Did you bring a change of clothes here or do

in Jace's room. I'll see you in the foyer in about an

back to Clary. "I'll see you an hour

bodies brushing. Kissing Clary always filled him with such euphoria. It was like he felt a bit of heaven in every kiss. Maybe it was

r go, staring shamelessly at the work of art his girlfriend is. By the Angel, I've got to kee

return to the Shadow World. Jace found it enticingly hot, but also troublesome for him. Especially when it came to g

Skip/ Alec

is wearing a black blazer with a blue undershirt. Black pants and loafers rounded off what Magnus termed a 'dashing' look for him. The most important accessory he wore, h

band was doing his last minute make up touches before they headed out. Like Alec, the warlock was wearing a black blazer and tie. He wore a burg

gagement/wedding ring) then all was well. Alec thought it was because Magnus just like proudly

the brilliant red streaks in Magnus's now coiffed hair. His husband always enjoyed dying the tips of his hair and was even trying to

we got going." With an elaborate flick of the wrist, a portal opened in front of them. They were se

do keep using that nickname?" Magnus let out a small laug

m, his arms stroking down his sides. Alec nodded, this was true. "But at home, you act like the big, adorable softie

words. He pressed his face into the crook of Magnus's neck, breathing in his sandalwood aroma. Alec was much more use to Magnus's flir

is husband showed he cared about him. Not that I'll ever tell him that. Nope,

witty comeback. "Well, if I'm your pup, then you

how I could be a kitten." Alec wanted to coo at the reddening of his husband's cheeks.

. "Yes, you are. You have the beautiful cat eyes, you love being cuddled and loved on and you also are quite territo

c's point. "Ugh, fine. I suppose you have a point. But at any rate, your still my pup. The most adorable and hott

r or embarrassed at being termed most adorable. Either way, his cheeks were fl

p the others waiting." Alec told him. Magnus agreed and t


the building. The ones who were leaving were decorated in fresh gear, swords and daggers, whips and staffs, bows and arrows all with them to varying l

n in the ichor covering their gear and the visible wounds littering their skin. Luckily, none of them seemed to severe but Magnus still watched them go with a

you two are here on time.

Both young men were dressed accordingly for tonight's events. Alec broke away from his grip on Magn

that he was determined to get Alec to like him; Magnus in response had told him 'good luck'. Alec

with Izzy. As long as the Simon and Izzy were dating only, Alec would pretend not to like Simon. Secretly, Alec di

Jace. How was the training session today?" He knew Simon and Jace had been sparring ear

the Institute's front entrance. "It went the same as usual. Simon tried

ng with swords. From what I've heard, that mean

l, he got lucky one time. It won't ha

ved for a very long time, and one of the things I've learned is that you can never say never. It just

to see Isabelle and Clary walking down the Institute steps to meet them on the sidewalk

imilar greeting, pulling both girls into a hug. When Alec broke away from Clary, Simon piped in. The male was

eed to get going. We have less then fifteen min

he van parked out front. The other two couples held hands, following them over to t

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