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Chapter 2 The Headaches Keep Coming

Word Count: 5895    |    Released on: 22/07/2019

lec's P

signing documents. He was currently skimming through one of the pages for the new draft of the Accords. Ever

f the Clave. It would be much easier to promote new changes if a majority of the representatives are on board.

e read the forms. The small print wasn't doing anything good for him. He'd taken some headache medicine for the pain this morning. Alec had f

when he woke up with a hurting head this morning, his arms wrapped around his husband, Alec had been certain it was just a

t his desk. It was a small wooden thing, sturdy but old. It had been here for a long time, one of the few relics from

thing, the sun coming in through the windows making its surface a bit too reflective for his liking. The tim

son outside the room. "Come in." The door opened a

to see you, but you and I both kn

rn, aka one of the most biggest thorns in his side since becoming Inquisitor over a year ago. Sighi

m was wearing one of his usual fine trimmed suits. It was a grayish color that matched the greying tinge of hi

trageous. You must get rid of them at once.

g his eyes. "Oh, do tell? How are my

ders. Making your little downworlder cabinets a mandatory thi

would you know? In New York, having the cabinet has improved relations massively. I

aven't noticed, Downworlders are nothing but monsters. Slaves to their impulses of destruction and other demonic acts. But I suppose you'r

zzy were like two bursting volcanoes when they were mad. They would spew fire into the sky, burning red everywhere with smoke blinding t

s on him from early on. As he was the one meant to be in charge of the Institute someday his parents taught him

much so one could say he was a different person now. In Alec's opinio

mad. Instead of letting it show though he let it fester inside of him, concealed by intimidating flares and

eacting accordingly. In the heat of the moment, many people are prone to saying things they don't mean. When said people look back

ith the safety of the loft always made Alec relax and unwind. The two talking things out always helped him to destress. In fact

ill of his husband. Alec would rip them metaphorically into pieces if they did. And it didn't help that he was speaking badly about the Down

. The smug jerk was still wearing that obnoxious grin that Alec wants to beat out of him. Yes, when Alec gets truly mad

't talking about my husband like that." He stared at the other man with na

ying such awful things made him want to go out and give Dearborn a proper beating he no doubt deserved. As the m

Dearborn's followers, "are some of the worst representatives the Clave could ever have. You have no respect for our allies and continue to treat them like garbage. If you ever, and I mean ever talk about my husband like t

knew that the other guy understood he was angry. Good, maybe now he'll show some respect. His headache continued

man's eyes darted to the door, a surefire sign he was ready to leave. Beneath that was a hint of anger, no doubt from getting t

know about. Wrongdoings that would lead to worse things for the Shadowhunters. But as there wasn't much in the means of hard evidence, Alec k

ke a foreshadowing of what might come later on. Alec stared at the door for a few more moments, analyzing the chipping paint in its stru


of the nephilim of the present would know about Pippa, Harry or Daniel or that they'd been welcome in the City of Glass before the Adama

ew months. Diana Wrayburn was said to be tutoring some young Shadowhunters over at the LA institute giving Pippa and her brothers the perfect o

e Towers) the three didn't need to worry about any alarms going off. Daniel had told them to pick out some weapons for

stablishment, as the yellowed curtains were draped over the windows. Even if they hadn't been, Pippa doubted anyone would

em from a friend. Diana's Arrow was known for its massive cache of weapons. The most proudly crafted ones created by Wayland the Smith were sitting neatly in many holste

She'd scooped up a whip to examine, a sturdy silver thing made of powerful electrum, and found dust clu

ppa had headed down the aisle with whips, Daniel went to the bow and arrow section, and Harry over to the swords. The checkout center was easy to fin

into daggers as her weapon of choice. The whip was a secondary option, something someone else long gone would've liked. She didn't really know

appily. In his right hand he gripped a silver long sword made by...well, himself. The male was examining it now, looking gleeful

ot you are." She said with a chuckle. Harry

me." He said, making kissy noises.

and I'll backhand you into next week."

fish out the money needed to pay for his long sword. He star

'd think I wouldn't have to pay for my own

r free back then. You'd think you would've been a better business m

ey these are going for now, just imagine if I were to make even mo

If time doesn't give you an opportunity to acquire wealth, then I don't know what

I think I will start making new weapons

n doing that with no weapo

s responsible for creating the weapons for all the other Shadowhunters to use. His forge had been right near th

t working with those materials had filled him with such a euphoria that it made him feel like he was in Heaven. Father had laug

his wife at the time certainly did. So did his husband almost a hundred years later. It was still mind boggling to Pippa that

be the Iron Sisters would let me work with

elieve you. Last I heard, they beli

eal what they are to the Mortal world as those people would likely fear them. As a result, Pippa, Harry and Daniel always had to move from place to place every ten years

r laugh at that. "Yea

s was alongside it, blue fletches (I think that's the word for it, someone correct me if otherwise) on each e

bed at his own awkwardly. Pippa couldn't help but feel bad for him. Out of all of them, the t

think we can make a home base here for a while. It's close to our target and the owner isn't set to be back for another two months.

ituation?" Harry

of us?" Pippa teased. "We don't bite." She poke

ourse not. I just don't want yo

t a starfish that takes up th

el rolled his eyes, so done with their crap. He watched them with bored blue eyes, not

o the matter at hand." Daniel told them. The two turned to him, feeling sheepis

ered. Daniel gave a l

ch of us. We'll teleport some of our stuff into the rooms and then get down to business." Seeing the other

en, many pictures hung all over it. Pippa's fingertips drifted over a few of them gently. Most of them were covered with a thin film of dust. Pictures like this incl

love. She grinned at one of the pictures in particular. This picture had a young woman with two kids. None of them were related, that m

gesture, his blue green eyes sparkling as they were fixed on the girl. She could see the Parabatai rune peeking out from

ves. The woman's eyes screamed to a knowledge that she knew a lot despite her young age. Placing the photo

all closet by the window. A lamp sat by the bed, a spiraling leaf pattern decorating it. There

stay in the shop. She reminded herself that she'd leave clean the place up before t


ven hours, he'd dealt with six clients. All of which had made rather ridiculous requests of

second one, wanting their dog to be a human so they could talk to them and understand what they're saying? I get that dogs ar

perked up. That must be Alexander! He grinned as the door opened, his husband footsteps sounding in the apartment. Eventually his figure appeared in the entryway

ind one of the shelves in the room. The two embraced happily, kissing one another for a few minute

s said as they broke apart, Alec's arms still wrapped around Mag

y, Magnus strained to hear his words. The

ope Dearborn didn't give you too much trouble." Mag

.not that I'm surprised. Dearborn's one of the most prejudiced Shadowhunters I've ever met, and that

the ordinary. Except for Dearborn, t

prised to hear that.

bout you. If he wasn't a respected member of the Cla

ry hot. Most importantly, it truly made Magnus feel cared for. He couldn't recall

adache from this morning?"

Yea, unfortunately. I think it got wor

and to place his hands on his forehead. Magnus sent out a healing blue light through them, the

at was blocking Magnus's magic from doing much of anything. It took the form of an intangible white light; it was untouchab

ed. The warlock was certain the magic di

t feel much of anything to be honest. Wh

one another. After all they'd been through, it made sense to make such a promise. And it still held true now, much as the truth

d his Alexander. The Shadowhunter seemed upset t

at's going on with me?" He asked Magnu

ave no idea where it came from though. It's not letting me heal your headache at any ra

very being. It just made no sense, and he didn't want to confuse Al

asked his husband, his hazel eye

e you again and we can see if we can figure out what's g

the cool black leather couch, letting out a small moan. Magnus eyes him fondly, snapping his fingers so two st

he number five was so important, but he decided not to question it. Allowing Alec to take a few sips of his chocolates concoction, Magnus got snuggled down into the c

ms about Magnus's energy surging into Alexander now. It was almost as if the stuff was sentient, though t

Alec's P

r it was in Alec, it was laying dormant inside him now. At the very least, he was ab

'd left his office, Alec hadn't wanted to keel over, his head had hurt so much. The pain had spreading throughout his bo

ntly there was some sort of energy attached to him. Wha

ut what's going on with me

t unbeknownst to him on his forehead. If Alec saw a few drops of sweat sliding down Magnus's own face, he didn't mention it. Eventually, Magnus droppe

on with you, regular magic can't do anything for it." M

least figure out what was going on with the

100% certain, I can confirm that this

r to laying down on his back. His long legs were sprawled over Magnus's lap. The warlock had long since removed his shoes. Magnus was rubbing at his feet

me? Sure, I'm a nephilim, but I don't exactly ha

swers, but at the very least it's protective of you and not a cause of harm." Alec nodded at t

morrow. I don't want to be a bother." Alec told

I love you Alexander, never forget that I love you more than

ed forward, embracing the Warlock gently i

taste of honey on the warlock's lips. Magnus really was addicted to sugar, and it showed in the amounts of pastries and other sweet treats his husband often ate. Somehow, he never gained

murmured silkily into his ear. His voic

r kissing was recommencing, Magnus peppering pecks all along Alec's deflect rune. Alec moaned at those soft touches, rubbing his hands

nknown P

ek black feathered wings curled up behind him and was unseen by the two men on the couch. The two me

long time. It made him feel sorrowful about what was to come. There was no telling how the man's partner would rea

from it. Things are going according to plan. Taking a few steps to the edge of the quiet bal

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