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City of Ice and Fire

City of Ice and Fire

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Chapter 1 Allegiances and Prologue

Word Count: 4186    |    Released on: 30/07/2019

) (no surprise these guys

light brown tabby she

ark brown tabby tom wi

h a white tail tip, former elder) apprentice: D

and she-cats

om with scar on his

n brown tom wi

e she-cat with bl

a white stripe along his ba

m with amber eyes, curren

eshell she-cat wit

by she-cat with ice

ger she-cat wi

brown tabby t

m colored tabby

den she-cat w

abby she-cat with bro

e tom with ginger

om with blue eyes)

wn tabby tom with whi

tom with golden green eyes,

ite dash on his chest and strik

d tabby tom with golden

cat with brown eyes)

rown tom with brown e

ts nursing or

aws, Dustcloud's mate) (Sandkit-yellow tabby she-cat, Cloudki

gold she-cat

ite she-cat wi

raining to become warr

with pale blue eyes, training

ginger she-cat with green eyes

shell she-cat with

k gray tom wi

ray tabby she-cat

brown she-cat

d warriors and

he-cat with gree

nger tom with

th green eyes, staying in elder's

s) (these guys wil

ay tom with a white

n tom with a cream colo

(tortishell she-cat wi


ay tabby tom

hite she-cat

white paws) apprentice: St

tom with green eye

l ginger tom w

brown tabby she-c

fy yellow tom

brown tabby tom

fy gray she-cat

-cat with light blue

tom with long le

tabby she-cat

low she-cat w

her (light


n eyes)(Hollowkit-small brown tom with ye

ekit-small white tom, Sneezekit-black tom with gree


brown tom wit

ay tabby tom wit

e she-cat with

) (these guys will

ay tom with green eyes, forme

brown she-cat with gray

isker (scrawny black

om with yellow eyes


h white speckled tail) a

r tabby tom with brown

brown speckles on his bac

bby tom with white

oishell she-cat

te she-cat wi

g (dark

bby tom with amber

with a white fron

with brown eyes) a: Dartpaw

black tom with

e-cat with ginger ear

ht brown she-cat


ray tom with brown eyes, Scratchkit-black tom with white pa

lver she-cat w


ay tabby tom whose

hite tom with

by tom who lost his

le brown tom w

s) (these guys wil

inger she-cat with wild g

tabby she-cat with blue

s along his belly) apprentice: Seedpaw (golden-br


eries or Co

tom with a tail cove

ark ginger she-cat)

ith pale gray paws an

th ginger chest fur a

e-cat with stunning b

lver she-cat w

amber eyes) apprentice: Weedp

t with a white belly) apprent

er she-cat with

lack tom wi

y she-cat wit

Hunt F

gold tom with gr

k tom with yello

black tom with a

abby tom with gr

tom with long leg

with green and blue eyes) a:

own tom with yell

tabby tom with bl


lver she-cat wi

ue eyes) (Rufflekit- fluffy white tom, and H


y tabby tom who is

she-cat with white sp

own tom with faded

hite tom wit

tom with mismatched

re the werewolves, the

tabby tom with amber eyes an

brown eyes and a faded scar on his sh

with one dark gray front paw) apprentice: Tend


rt gray tom wi

ight brown tom

led yellow she-cat

-cat) apprentice: Bushpaw (fl

ue eyes) apprentice: Leafpaw (

k tom with many sc

own tabby tom with

h dark brown paws) a: Crea

ht brown she-cat

ger she-cat w

m with amber eyes) (Jorda

gray tabby tom)

cat with blue eyes) a: Pudd

-cat with green eyes,

ith intense green eyes) (Maia) a


ack she-cat w

pink nose) (Blinkkit-white tom, and Sh


missing a tooth and with

y she cat with a whit

th yellow eyes and a badly damage

alone, in the wild, or in th

ips and tail tip with dark amber eye

is a dark brown tabb

ith green eyes and a

tabby with bl

She-cat with ambe

wn and white

tom with yell

om with scars on

gray she-

and cream color

ream colored

et colored tom wit

e-cat with purpl

tom with ambe

ger tom with whi

she-cat with blue eye

he sto


ace for a forest cat to live. It was no place for him to live. Unfortunately for him, Frostfang didn't have the luxury of living in the forest he ca

id the Angelic artifact remained wet as long as an angelic influence was in the world. Without an Angelic influence, it would

tar and most all of HunterClan have lost their is up to me to return them to it. He tried his experiments in the past, hop

born. Wanting only the best for his children, he injected them first. Slashkit was his very

ted the stubborn young tom even realized he'd managed to nick the Circle leader before Frostfang had flung him i

he power he possessed. He will soon, and once he joins my side I'll give him plenty di

the front of the structure was completely destroyed. Piles upon piles of ruined brick lay atop the surrounding street and sidewalk. It was no surprise that t

em from doing stupid things....except for themselves. This made them foolish and stupid by all means to him. Without an enemy, they wer

ground. Going through the front would make no sense. Not only was the brick walling intact, the green sign reading Barney's Hardware and Weapo

he original brown color. Its doorknob was rusted beyond repair. He had to hide behind one of the cones earlier, watching as a Twoleg kit

he was truly looking for. Behind the building, his outfit was already there waiting for him. Ratchet, Wire, Sourdough, Sour Cream, and Dot to name a few wer

n he spotted him. The big tom had been talking to Sourdough just moments be

s. Ratchet, Sourdough, Sour Cream, and Wire are all newly made nephilim. Frostfang had gotten his most elite soldiers to drink from the Moss right away after the skirmish with G

"It is good to see you all as well." H

lankly at nearby weed sprouting out of a crack in the pavement. Everything about the once vibrant she-cat was vacant now; she

njections started. He had recently renewed her dosage yesterday morning. He'd done more so than usual, meaning that she'd

ard knocking her off balance, the gray she-cat's claws u

ing herself towards Frostfang. It had taken her longer then normal to steady herself, but the leader just pu

you directly to the Silent Forest." She told him. Beyond her and the rest of the group laid a massive whole in the ground, it's surface sparkling

hers and sisters, we will go to the Silent Forest and take back what is rightfully ours." He


ere was something bad afoot in HunterClan camp. Everything was peaceful in the forest. The warriors had healed

almost of apprentice age, she'd returned to warrior duties. The tortoiseshell she-cat was more than happy to be on the patrol list, saying

kit silhouette peeking out of the entrance. The young tom had been waiting eagerly for his mother to return home. From his knowled

d they were all close friends. Some closer than others, he reflected, seeing Junipernose licking the she-cat's ears fondly whe

e inner workings of HunterClan longer then most of the warriors here had lived, had been one of the lucky few to know ri

lebird would also require persuasion to settle down. Being active was great and all, but their came a time for every pregnant she-cat that they needed to rest, lest something hap

patrol earlier that day with Specklefoot and Badgerstripe. The black she-cat had been eager to please her father by catching lots of prey. J

eted Goldenclaw especially warmly, her green eyes glowing. Arrowheart had moved away after exchanging a few w

ed goodbye before striding forward to meet the younger tom half way. The two embraced when the reached each othe

e were thorns in it, complaining about dumb kits pulling a prank on her. He doubted this was true, Da

was very determined when she wanted to be. Obnoxious, to the point where it drove even him to the edge, b

oneybee. The two cats were strolling around with trudging steps, securing the perimeter. Featherflight could see Honeybee's yello

e faster paced then the gray warrior's. That, and Featherflight had seen the tom almost nod off twice in front of the Eld

it was hard to inspect, so he moved back slightly to get a better view. He always was a

al, having been assisting Comfreyleaf. Tumblekit had a bellyache earlier that day so the apprentice had been hard at work helping the little thing while Featherfligh

nly a matter of time before that changed, especially with a cat like Vultureclaw in charge.

an. But he couldn't help thinking that Vultureclaw would lead them down an even darke

couldn't be certain of just what was going on, but Arrowheart, Nightrose, Goldenclaw, Dawnpaw, Patchfur and Clary had all been acting on ed

Medicine Den. The object in his paw would've been blown away if he hadn't kept

s, who lost fur all the time. Featherflight knew this from personal experience, his gray tabby fur snagging on all sort

had visited them recently. To some cats it was seem like this fur was just a mystery. To Featherflight, a Medicine cat of many moon

is in t



Chapter 1 Allegiances and Prologue Chapter 2 Coming to A Decision Chapter 3 Sparkpaw of HunterClan Chapter 4 Simon's Interlude Chapter 5 Training in the Sandy Hollow Chapter 6 Sharing News (Malec)
Chapter 7 A New Mission (Clace)
Chapter 8 A Tunnel with a Surprising Destination (Malec)
Chapter 9 Meanwhile in HunterClan...
Chapter 10 Unwarranted Assault AKA When the Malec Ship sets Sail
Chapter 11 Battle at the Silent Forest (Malec)
Chapter 12 The Mortal Stick is Taken
Chapter 13 Reuniting with a Friend (Malec)
Chapter 14 Why does the Mundane have to come along (Malec) (Climon)
Chapter 15 Rain and Loss (Malec)
Chapter 16 A Story of Lost Dreams
Chapter 17 Simon the Vampire (Climon) (Malec)
Chapter 18 How to Conquer Fear (Malec) (Climon)
Chapter 19 Silverpaw its Been so Long (Malec)
Chapter 20 A Secret Meeting at FourTrees
Chapter 21 Vultureclaw is Acting Suspicious and He's not the Only One
Chapter 22 WolfClan is Finally Here! (Malec)
Chapter 23 Escape from the Shadows
Chapter 24 The Journey Home...Is Filled with Peril
Chapter 25 You Can't Save Everyone Arrowheart (Malec)
Chapter 26 Welcome Back to the Land of Confusion
Chapter 27 The Werecats Howl at the Moon
Chapter 28 The Reason Why Monsters are DANGEROUS (Malec)
Chapter 29 Terrible News
Chapter 30 The Sharper the Thorn, The Deadlier the Secret (Clace)
Chapter 31 Sparkpaw Has a Dream
Chapter 32 New Destiny and the Frozen Stream
Chapter 33 Heart to Heart (Malec)
Chapter 34 It's Time to Take Back Sunningrocks
Chapter 35 Victory!
Chapter 36 Prey Problems
Chapter 37 Who is to Blame
Chapter 38 Wake Up to the Sound (Malec)
Chapter 39 Reconnaissance
Chapter 40 Battle on the Frozen River
Chapter 41 Alderpaw Cuts it Close
Chapter 42 Forest Clash
Chapter 43 Blood Transfusion (Clace)
Chapter 44 Reunited (Malec)
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