img Mafia's Addiction (The Virgin Stripper)  /  Chapter 1 March 2015 | 9.09%
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Mafia's Addiction (The Virgin Stripper)

Mafia's Addiction (The Virgin Stripper)

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Chapter 1 March 2015

Word Count: 2111    |    Released on: 03/11/2022



s Point

… Marc


e across the city of France. From the look on the faces of

rance for a family and fr

out of my chips!" Aiden cried ou

I took from it,

an't you allow your sister to take out of it," Mrs. Martin co

side or hers," Aiden ask

Mrs. Martin shru

nks he is still a kid," Hazel said, scoffing as s

still a kid," Aid

ten his chips. You did wrong,

okay? We both know it is nothing. He is just ma

posal to be homeschooled," Hazel bit out, looking away with a sly smirk on her

iden queried, feigning anger while Mrs. Martin hi

fore and it is even for your g


Dad exclaimed, trying to defend himself as he shot Hazel a death glare. If

dad," Ai

mum" Aiden questioned mum, who has

ay" she replied scoffing, l

a comment, getting a playful hit on the shoulder fr

with a slight frown on hi

better than facing those freaks

won't be seeing Mia again, you

a," Mrs. M

ed glaring at Hazel and she s

be a no one right now

n called her name i

always spank your a*s whenever you misb

father driving, Mr. Martin and Mrs. Martin's faces became sad, and ign

get-together party without some sort of protection? Anything could happen to us right now and we have no security to save us." Hazel muse

y? The area is one of the best in safety," Mrs. Martin asked, in an a

feeling dad, I don't

ily, Hazel darling. Who is going to try to hurt us? So there is no need to

ou turn," Hazel

et to where we are going fast, we have to take a s

hat street is sa

this road whenever I'm always

tually I'm feeling r

ust your dad," Mrs. Marti

own a bit," Aiden warned his Dad b

other side to avoid being hit, th

creamed and pointed at the same car coming at full sp

thing is goin

d trembled ad he tri

eak not working,"

ar break as been broken by som

the family. In a hurry, the truck driver drove off immediately he noticed that

The woman says as she and her husband st

but I can't say anything about the children." The nurse ex

irs, taking a seat as they awaited the doctor, who stepped out a few

r two kids, Doctor?"

they still have a slim chance of surviving

y of four, huh?!" The man's wife exclaimed with eyes turning to deep anger at th

hospital, yet you idiots couldn't save their lives! We brought in four injured patients and you couldn't even save them?! Aren't you suppo

riday Nigh

ing the house and everything prepared for the par

r. Ruskin, Mrs. Ruskin, their chi

cattering what I have done,"

, I'm not"

rother alone "dad sh

ange it fast before the other

is more than what you are thinkin

s that supp

ing it because of

ause of Hazel," Aaron

her" Ell

she is like my s

vious you do"

about love huh,"

ot, Wyatt,"

they teaching you i

u can't imagine, bro

10 years Ellie

a 9-year-old child is

yatt exclai

w thing, Wyatt"

, he understands ver

feathers," Aaron

will soon be here any moment from now,

y are they taking long to be here," Wy

will be here any moment from now, tak

nice combo," Aar

," Wyatt muttere

u," Aaron w

, language, tch,

Wyatt roll

s she came inside the house with some o

her husband asked as he entered t

e asked facing him

e the whole house i

ean," his wife

ng somethin

ire," Aaron said running towards h

ointing at five guys with mask

ing to do," his

he door... He tried opening it but it is

ughed, "what are we goi

g closer to us, dad

ng to die,"

starts to cry as he sat down on

I'm supposed to, just know I love you,

have to die lik

he fire got to their side and consume their

ys went into the c

reenwood alongside his wife, could b

eans they are out of danger and the most importa


husband and wi

" the wif

od asked, his soft heartbreaking for th

parents or siblings, neither do they know their home nor h

wood muttered lowly, but it was loud enough

em recollect their memories but our ef

eir identities?" Mrs. Greenwood inquired, hoping a

tor shook his head wi

us," the wi

dful family events co

t those

d out I'm

eady for

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