img Mafia's Addiction (The Virgin Stripper)  /  Chapter 8 Get him | 72.73%
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Chapter 8 Get him

Word Count: 1251    |    Released on: 03/11/2022



s point

hiding after he saw that the coast is clear. He

his environment to check if

home, He had been in the hideout

im, especially the head of the

tion every time to avoid

aige, and Sylvia to be in danger. Even going to school is

him because he knows that both of them can

ylvia," he sighed

singing Camila Cabello an

hen you call

ld pretend I

touch is oo

rue, la

should b

love it when you

n't so damn ha

touch is oo

la-la-la (

should b

keep me co

saw the name of t

nd paused," how I would have loved to pick call but I

leep this night," he said and

e had to put his phone I'm silence to a

going to stop and I'm going

cold," he rubbed his h

till he can find somewhe

d some movement but he did

e the leader, pointed at Ethan and ordered. They have been looking for Ethan and couldn't wait for him to Co

let him get away or else you a

," They

corners just to catch a common

ng to watch his environment

getting closer to him but he c

d someone in black pointing a gun toward h

saw many of them coming closer t

with all his strength. Running isn't

running away," t

them everywhere around the corne

ing that he as lost them. He slowed d

y," He said br

lost them,"

ack. As he said he wants to run, he was held immediate

he was sandwiched at the back of the car tog

ease don't kill me," Ethan kept sho

ut his phone and put

pite his boss isn't

oarse voice sound

stole the container,"

ight now, I will interrogate him

nd the boss cut the call a

the mansion

ed and got inside the

s point

arcus called me over the recent d

pected to arrive yesterday were

e he has stepped on the tail of a

alking inside the mansion as everyone

Diego, they went to their own hous

my anger on thinking it is Eve

I promise to make them pa

the room in just two minutes, if the time

at it takes if I'm pissed because the whole

ed and ran in to


e angrily and met

at me but it immediately turned

" I d

face like this," she asked s

ek god told me he wants to

hat he is handsome

why wi

him and his moth

hough for treating you like

insulting his mum I coul

ear," I sm

you shower and then eat before

d started walking towa

t Ethan,"

till tomorrow like he

ght back," I told him

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