img Mafia's Addiction (The Virgin Stripper)  /  Chapter 2 FLASHBACK | 18.18%
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Word Count: 2425    |    Released on: 03/11/2022


er 13

n, Europe...

ina Emerson


I ran my hand through my hair feeling irri

sour face, it was obvious I had a

round trying to serve people at the r

y is a little bit good and covers not many expenses

in me, and walked in, "is there anyone at home?! I yelled de

aroma of the food she is cooking is hitting

estaurant working tirelessly, it was a

etly, stepping out of the kitchen wh

oward the dining area and grabbed a chair bef

y staring at the French dish on

en know why I

one is going to take it from you," Syl

ecause I won't allow it," I giggled happily as my earl

as she brought her head closer

d to make use of me anyhow she likes, it suck

her one you are doing," she said a

sly," I

she whispered

quired grabbing a pla

" she replied frowning

brother be," I t

get to know something, you look worn out, Ethan is no longer a kid, he is in

she said because Sylvia likes to support Ethan so muc

snapped with a disapprov

ything since morning," I grumbled and rolled m

is wrong," I asked concerne

so I spend most of my time standing and almost fainted because of t

in the room," I yelled almost choking as I quickly d

sed, our boss didn't tell us we have

what you are passing through in the hands of

dear," Syl

andma Lilian today

ian is dead," Sylv

uted and tear

ach of us living in the area loves her so much and w


sterday," Sylv

her so much,"

ier today and asked about how he

at the city general burial g

, I have to tell BJ, I won't b

because you have asked f

sed what it means when someone

is true,"

So I'm sure he k

her is something I don't wan

very importa

face, it isn't good to lose s

rphan, an older

y now," she muttered as

t up that conversati

t isn't your fault I'm an orphan," I smiled lig

nce for Madrid hoping for greener pastu

Back to Ap

e been waiting for Ethan so w

hungry, I haven't eaten

d myself while I decided to go

s class, I heard some noises

nue to look for my brother but

not the one who took

Ethan on the floor beaten up with

I asked the three boys that

hetic orphan," The youngest yelled and wante

nything, it isn't our fault our

you and your parents were hit by a

s comin

told they

," I asked holding

tell you," On

about it," I ign

to beat us even if you are his brother," The on

use I captured everything and just by looking at the three of you, which are alre

I yelled in anger and

ere when you were brought to the orphana

ick all alon

me. He has been hitting on me for a

ideo," They begged and I ignored them

y lie to us,

trust again, Ethan,"

ly to meet the mother, Mrs. Lincoln, that is

going through some files on her table. She looked up and notic

o you, Ethan," S

iological parents," Ethan asked inste

e asked staring at us in the eyes with a

ents, we need to know the truth," I y

the brake of the car failed before the incident, the truck driver intentionally hit your pa

the car to prove your identity

a standstill, I felt sick to my st

ld want

rought us he

al truth since you both have amnesia and I don't know who the person is

told us the truth when


ne," I cut of

ying in the orphanage anymore," I said firmly st

because you heard it from

we are leaving," I

es," she said as he stared away... I could detect the pain in

elp us this last time, just please do us a favor by

here and how will you survive

ough now to take care of myself and my brother and it will make the bad people st

she said inhaling deeply with a

ck To The

rid. We rented an apartment with the

ne for us since we met and

her parents wants to marry her off to someone she doesn't

work aimlessly and luckily she got one but I'

ll want to have me before giving me the job

rk twice times in a day... at

-known stripper

than's school bills and

and Ethan as tried talking me into quitting but I

sn't easy since life itself is unfair to us but we still man

heard her say jolting m

we should look f

too early," she shrugged closing the door

the end of me" I mutte

till in the evening, you can't babysit always," sh

wn-up man if it brings a lot of

to the club, you look exhausted," She s

wn escaped my mouth... she gave me an," I t

I stood up and tied

so I can go to the club to avoid

ill" Sh

hispered grinning while she r

was stressed out and needed a rest...

ught that I almos

inside my room not caring to take a shower..

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