img Mafia's Addiction (The Virgin Stripper)  /  Chapter 5 Ignoramus turkey | 45.45%
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Chapter 5 Ignoramus turkey

Word Count: 2221    |    Released on: 03/11/2022





the room through the curtains while I stretched my arms wide. I sighed as I stood up from the bed. Yawning

ard Sylvia shout as soon as I


es widening as wild thoughts filled my head. Where

while she nodded as I hurriedly pulled on s

twenty-four hours. Let's go," Sylvia says

and as we are about to leave the roo

it is as we both stepped out of the

box to check and foun

" I told Sylvia as

" she asked peepi

check," I said and op

rday, I stayed with someone that is why but

will stay at someone's house

n't like th

wrong somewher

se my brother," I asked holdin

now" Sylvi

nterrupted by the sound

e," Sylvia aske

than again but a voic

nd Sylvia can do.... hmm, pls don't, I'm begging you but till t

reepy" Syl

I said as I rubbed my ar

t go to the pol

ldn't until tomorrow, Ethan


remember you said he is


hing will be ok," I told her even wh

et's go in,

house, Sylvia sat down on t

o work?" I asked her

starting today which is fo

n have some kind

leave, by stopping that disg

king of stopping by the en

smiling happily as

made a lot of

han will be very happy whenever you

or you, dear

aurant, are you not worki

s I'm still w

t you going to

, I'm goin

work today" she star

, he is "

e all this question,"

rted laughing nonstop, but she st

ning of this," I as

, Paige," she

o, Sy

ooooo" I shouted when I reali

her as I ran into m


puccino" BJ, the owner of the restaurant is direct

34 years old, some say is wicked, and other people like

d coming close to her at the c

ng" Joy stuttered

" BJ scowled causing the customers t

..." BJ c

t back to work"

t through the front door but of c

at her, as Paige came

reeted smiling and

n to this place," she asked bringing out

hope BJ didn't a

you came in, not qu

alking, BJ entered the k

e," he greeted

ing, ermmm. I

nother excuse to give huh,"

are going to fabricate a

't come home yesterday, and

at lying, why would you include

ying th

said the truth

, of course,

lying right n

ttend any to them, and I will punish you later" BJ a

stared at Paige and whispered," my e

os Rodrigue

s Point

I asked with a c

call, him but is switched off," Die

supposed to have a busin

ill him when he

Lucas never fails to come, ple

gets here early,

is head as he kept on tr

ed inside

, Miguel,

he approached us, and I shut him

f*ck, Luca

coming late despite knowing how this deal

Lucas c

up," I

oking away from my hard stare which I'm sure if looks could kill h

from home,

number several times but you n

t do it intentionall

ust scream

s sighed

are back," he sa

but why, they are not suppose

t even know why

I'm going to, then I mentioned, your house and they decided to come here at all cos

t this ever again else I w

ite knowing how those girls are all ov

some and cute face no

el, you ar


re so.

Miguel, or else we will lose the deal wit

ady," Jace, one of

clan but he is among the reason I'm alive today...I took him as

and walked out immediately

int of View


nt Mr. Gil mentioned to us

nd of the restaurant, where you can see

eautiful scene because it is facing

for us to move

Mr. Gil greeted stand

umbled in response as Mr

ucas and Diego

they bot

ss?" I said and sat down waiti


een our company with his but we had the highest share 75:25 and he w

needs my attention and signature, Lucas a

so have my own company

ld him with an invisible

at is wickedness

ing?" I asked w

shment for coming

d, Mr. Gil bowed

and poured a hot coffee on my body, although

r. Gil stood up immediately

rts to apologize with gui

because it is obvious she is admiring m

o sorr

t reply I just stare at he


Point o

titude that I can't even understand but there is noth

the cooks that table 10 ordered

s told that I will be t

man stood up and collided with me, pouring all the hot

s eyes reminded me of the guy I met at the club who was

fingers at me and I

m s

y sir" I apo

lind" he g


ind and dumb pe

y and I folded my fists

us turkey who als


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