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Chapter 4 Leaving

Word Count: 1178    |    Released on: 14/05/2024

really trip on her own and blame it on Natasha! But that’s like Ariel? He had known Ariel since childhood and she can never be that kind of a person. But Natasha looked sincere earlier. S

sit wen whenever you wish. Remember, it’s is your parents who are helping me stay with them overseas” Natasha comforted him. Liam snickered “Those people? Oh please! I will come visit you, but not in that house. I will stay in an hotel,” he exclaimed, rolling his eyes. Just the thought of his promiscuous parents overseas gave him headache. Natasha chuckled and surveyed her surroundings to ensure she had not forgotten anything. Satisfied that everything was in order, she turned to leave as Liam grabbed his car keys and her luggage to depart from the house. Suddenly, Natasha felt nau stand quickly rushed to the bathroom to vomit. She stayed there for a while before emerging with a slight pale face. “Oh dear, are you alright?” Liam asked with a knitted brow, concerned laced in his voice. “I think so. It may be because I stood in the rain for a long time waiting for you” Natasha replied nonchalantly. Feeling another wave of nausea surface, she swallowed and took a piece of gum, placing it in her mouth to alleviate the discomfort. The two then left the house and headed to the airport. It was not easy for the two best friends to part ways, but they had to when Natasha’s flight was scheduled to depart. “Make sure to call me once you arrived!” Liam shouted after her. Natasha turned and smiled at him before making her way to departure. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her heart ached at the thought of leaving her old life behind. Above all, she hated the fact that she was leaving that unappreciative man. She had loved him all these years and heck, she still even love him. But what was the use of it now? He’s cold hearted and ruthless. Moreevee, he’s finally going to be with his childhood sweetheart. Natasha heart ached even more she thought about it. She prayed that she would never encounter him again in her life. And if perhaps they do happen to cross paths in the future, they would be nothing more than strangers. “You can do this, Natasha! Your future and dreams are right in front of you. Go and seize them!” She whispered to herself, and

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