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Chapter 5 Seven Years Later

Word Count: 2205    |    Released on: 14/05/2024

irt and black mini skirt coupled with a jacket. “Here, mom!” An equally darling and cute little girl, said. She’s an splitting image of the woman. The little one appeared to

s so real to see such a scene among siblings or even the actions of the boy. “Aww, how adorable. I wish my kids were as sweet as this! My kids are like wolves instead of humans!” A woman remarked with envy. “You are absolutely right. He’s more grown-up than most adult males” Another person chimed in. Numerous such comments circulated around but the little boy in question didn’t pay attention to them. His focus were solely on his sister as he wiped her tears and snort. After a while, the stunning woman with her children let out a sigh. She has witnessed this type of chaos wherever they went. It was as though, her children were the center of attention, rather than her. After Daniel finished wiping her face, Angel threw her tiny hands around her brother’s neck and chuckled. “Mom, Daniel is the epitome of excellence!” She declared gleefully. It was astonished how quickly she has gone from tears to joy. “Yes, I concur……Now come on, let’s be on our way!. Your uncle must be waiting for us outside!” The woman exclaimed as she held onto both kids’ hands. Angel continued to skip and grin delightfully while holding her mother’s hand. Daniel, on the other hand, maintain his composure with one hand in his mothers’ and the other still in his pocket. He excluded coldness, in stark contrast to his sister. “Oh fuck” the stunning woman exclaimed out of nowhere, coming to a sudden halt. “Mom, you uttered a bad word” Angel gasped, gazing up at her mother with her wide blue eyes. Daniel nodded in agreement with his sister’s observation, making their mother stunned for a moment. How in the world did she give birth to such kids? Well that’s how well thought their mother brought them up. She undoubtedly love them with every bounce in her body. However, she also made sure to put their character in check for the betterment of their upbringing. “I’m so sorry my darlings. Please sit here while I take a brief leave to use the restroom. I assure you, I will be return promptly” The woman spoke, finding a suitable spot for the children to wait for her. “Okay, mommy, but don’t be long” Angel insisted. “Daniel, please keep a close watch on your sister. I’ll be back soon” The woman beseeched her son. “Do not worry Mom, she’s in my reliable care” Daniel asserted, eliciting a smile from his mother as she placed her bag with them and quickly left to use the restroom. Moment passed, and Angel could not sit still. While Daniel occupied with his phone, the little girl slipped away upon seeing a Barbie custume. “Wait! Wait! I want to touch you! Please!” Angel pleaded, chasing after the beloved character but alas, her miniature legs were no match for the costumed individual. She kept chasing after the costume person, wanting to just touch and play with them, yet she still couldn’t catch up with the person. However, it wasn’t long until the little girl realized she was in a predicament. Lost and unable to find her way to her brother, she wandered among the crowd, searching. With no solution, Angel stomped her feet and began to cry. The attention of many was drawn to her, wondering which negligent guardian would leave their child unattended in such a crowded place as the airport. After bawling her eyes out for a while, Angel wiped her tears eyes and started to walk away, but someone accidentally nudged her. She cried out as she braved herself for impact, yet tender and strong arms caught her just in time. Angel rubbed her watery eyes and slowly opened them. Her tears ceased as she locked her gaze with the person who saved her. Her small mouth hung open slightly as she continued to stare into the face of her rescuer. “Hello there! Why are you all by yourself? Where are your parents? It’s dangerous here, little one” The man holding her in his embraced asked in a cheerful grin. Gleaming in delight, Angel reciprocated the grin and embraced the mab tightly. She wrapped her tiny arms on the man’s neck tightly and giggled. The people around the man was taken aback. Who was t

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