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Reading History

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 2104    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

wed his chum to the storeroom, where Tom kept a number of

there's a war, and we have to defend ourselves against the tribes, we'll take along something that will

use in being needlessly cru

e. We may ne

an were anxiously awaiting them. Mr. Preston looked curiously at several objects which Tom and

they?" he

agnetism of the wireless kind. By this a concentrated globule of electricity was projected from the muzzle, and it could be made strong or weak at the will of the marksman. It could be made so powerful that it would totally annihilate

d this would fly through space, or even through solid objects until, reaching the limit of the range set, would strike the object aimed

outh America," he added as he expl

"and this may come in mighty handy. I'll feel easier about you

e had said to Andy, but he was of the op

e, said to be somewhere along the Nile river, and he's fitting out an expedition there I understand. I guess we won't be bothered with h

emed to have been left undone, and though carrying the electri

Eradicate. "I ain't got

velers, who were going in search of giant land, started for New York. They lit

lf-jokingly, he had promised to bring back a giant of

augh, "what will you do with one of

ered the young inventor. "I need some one to lift heavy weights. It wi

and the parting between Tom

cheerful a tone as he could assume, "a

re of his son's hand, Mr. Swift turned away and

o talk much. Eradicate was the only cheerful member of the party, which include

ly, "any one would think w

nerves. Let's do something to take it off. Here comes a boy w

hunters were talking and laughing as though they were merely starting on a short

laban which was to land them at Buenos Ayres. They found that there was some confusion about their luggage and boxes, an

abors, and then he and the circus man returned to the hotel. The ship was to sail two days lat

val circus friend, do you?" asked

ess we've either given him the slip, or he's given up the game. You won't have to worry about him.

anxiously watching to see that their baggage was not lost. As Mr. Preston stood talki

his ticket. "I'm not used to traveling," he needlessly added for that fact was very evident. Mr. Preston i

is," and the circus

"Then I shall have someone of whom I can as

olunteered Tom, "and I'll sh

you. Your

supplied the

I am the Reverend Josiah Blinderpool. I am taking a l

per stateroom. "He'll get into trouble, he's so innocent." If he could have seen that same "clergyman" double up wit

right I shouldn't be surprised but what they'd invite me to come along with them. That would just suit me. I wouldn't have any trouble then, getting on the track o

rning bell had rung. "I guess you'll get along all right. I haven't seen a s

same time looking over letters addressed to "Hank Delby," an

the gangplank was hauled up, and a hoarse

ook!" cried Mr. D

ig, giant orchard plan

use of the word "giant" even in that connect

ne forgot dat it's a sort of secret

nto the river and began

to cultivate the acquaintance of Tom and his friends. In spite of the fact that he said he had traveled very little, he seemed to know much about hidden corners of the world, but alway

ister," said Ned after one of these occ

imed Tom, who rat

sick, and when he isn't going to establish a mission in South America? There's so

clared Tom; and for the ti

out, and for a while they had a rough time

ere strolling about on deck, before turning in, that, the quiet

nting to a thin wisp of smoke cu

d one of the stewar

insisted the man, and sev

nd the captain came run

s it?"

in such a low voice that Tom, who was standing close

seventeen. We have turned the hose

ssengers. Tell them it doesn't amount to much,


cried, grabbing h

up? What's

mes reach that box I packed last--well, I wouldn't give much for the ship!" and fairly draggi

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