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Reading History

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 1567    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ck! You can't

! I tell you I must

accompanied by his chum, was trying to get past a rope that had been hastily stret

"Look here young man, do you want to start a panic? You know what

gh he did look a bit excited, he was

ck!" insisted

ent back and forth. Some hysterical women were beginnin

at I go down there," insisted

passengers," declared the officer.

isn't so much on my account, as--" and then, stepping q

ll have to help you get it out. Here, Mr. Simm," he called to one of the m


them everything is all right. And for cats' sake keep Rad cool. Do

all about, hastened to reassure Mr. Damon and the colored man that there was no danger, th

he thick smoke in the compartment. The officer had switched on the electric l

?" asked the of

had got down his throat. "I had an idea I might need it in a hurry. Here it is!" and he pointe

e a glow could be seen amid some bales of cotton. "It will be slow burning, that's

commented Tom, "but there isn

for the case was not heavy, though it was of good size, and then the officer having called u

ase go up on deck. "I suppose I shouldn't have had that stored

officer. "But what are you going to

es of South American Indians," answered Tom no

ing. Anything to

fused cries, and a series of

ry out of here,"


ned in here. I hope there isn't anythin

n waterproof coverings. C

enching steam were poured in from a hose run from the boiler room.

e frightened passengers. "The fire will be all out by mo

and peering to discover traces of smoke. But the sailors had done their

were hauled up and dumped into the sea, while Tom, making a hasty inspection of his other goods placed in that compartment saw, to his relief, t

, that night as they got ready to ret

d, but don't breathe a word of it to Rad or Mr. Damon. They might not intend to give it away, but I'm afraid they would, if they knew, and I

e qua

t so fond of us that they won't hear of letting

ou don't think they'

that will make them wish they hadn't. It's got--" and Tom leaned fo

uff! No wonder you thought the ship mi

uenched, the ship slipped along through the calm seas, and it was actually an effort to kill time on the part of the passengers. As they progres

e aboard, with his usual sea-green whiskers made from long rope ends, and with his trident

came more bearable. There were one or two storms, but they w

called himself. But he did not obtrude his company on them, and though he asked many questions as to where Tom

r an attempt to worm something from Tom, "I'll just have to stick close to him and his chum to get a

nderful machinery, and, on his way back he passed the smoking cabin. He was rather surprised to see Mr. Blinderpool in there, puffing on a big black cigar, and with him were some men whom Ned recogni

saw a minister play cards in public before, and this Mr. Blinderpool has be

ought Ned hastened

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