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Reading History

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 2243    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

. His father talked with him about the matter, pointed out the dangers, and suggested that, as the young inventor had had many adventures in the last few year

an, maybe suffering in the centre of South America. I want to find him, if I

r can do

try!" he returned; and that settl

ica. He wanted to lay out a regular schedule before proceeding. Ned Newton had had hard work to pers

with him, and the circus man's tale of his assistant lost

I want you to find that poor man and rescue him. If you could rescue the exiles

kept still, and made his preparations to go. Mr. Preston was a distant relative of the odd man, and that was how he

ke into the interior?" asked Mr. Damon one afternoon, when he and Mr. Preston

ves are fairly friendly, and with a well-organized party, and plenty of money, which I

t?" asked T

He's sure to make trouble

u heard

me out and fight me in the open it wouldn't be so bad. But this u

ed Ned. "He may not even know you are go

, and even I didn't know that Poddington was trying for the giants until he had started. But Waydell was soon after him, and he knows that when I once se

know that I am go

out things. I shouldn't be a bit surprised but what he was already plotting and sche

for the city of gold," spoke Tom; and then putting aside that worry, he and th

," remarked Ned, in the inter

ed him outright. He said he wouldn't mind going to a hot count

a hammer and nails, for he had be

o South America; aren't you, R

t country yo'-all was refer

All you have to do is to lie under a tree a

country as dat. Cocoanuts in mah mouf! Why I ain't got but a few teef left, a

s and bananas--they're soft," and Tom glanced qui

lubs oranges an' bananas, an' ef yo'-all is s

course you wil

breaks the hard shells you see, and all you have to do is to take out the meat, and drink the milk. Then the monkeys throw you down a

Massa Tom. When

y soon

m yo' gwine art

essary. Tom wondered whether it would be safe to trust the giant secret to him. After a moment's thought he realized that it would not be. But, at the same time, he knew that if he did not give s

Tom said. "I don't know what it will be tha

lib on air--dem big orchard plants." Eradicate meant orchids, o

e will get some big

er 'em. Or maybe we kin git de monkeys to f

ant to get started as soon as we can," and the colored man got busy, murm

e helped his son. And had Tom not been quite so engrossed with his preparations he might have gone about town more, in which case he would have learned somethin

ty of gold, Mr. Foger moved away from Shopton. He had lost his fortune and had to begin all over again. The Fo

ns, he had a man with him--a man who seemed to have plenty of money--a man with an air about him not un

ade the giant proposition to Tom, and before meeting

ling against this young inventor in tow

riends than enemies,"

roplanes and autos around town a long time, and surely there must be some one who h

ed in a nearby town, the man had at once gone there. It was not

asked this mysterious man one afternoon, whe

aydell. But give me

ng out what part of South America Tom Swift would head for to get some sort of a

m, Ned Newton. I can't go to them, and if I'm seen sneaking aroun

ou to do it. Why don't you tackle that old colored man whom, I understa

of that I'll get that information

if you want to

dy the chance he wanted. He met Eradicate on his way to

g. "I haven't seen you in some time. I suppose you'r

y, for that was his sore point. "What yo'-all mean, And

e, as you haven't been

ne on one right soon, let m

to hear it. Up to the

warm, an' where de cocoanuts fall in yo' mouf--I mean where de bananas an' orange

ried to make his voice sound indifferent,

' I's gwine wif Massa Tom. We's gwine

nd bananas you want. South America, eh? I suppose along the Amazon rive

r at all. We's gwine away down in de middle part of South America. It

y information he wanted from the simple colored man. "Yes, I guess there are no crocodiles there, and plenty of

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